This is sparta вирус

The associate is no longer working, officials said.

SPARTA, NJ - An associate at the ShopRite of Sparta has reported symptoms consistent with the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, according to officials.

New Jersey Coronavirus Updates: Don't miss local and statewide announcements about novel coronavirus precautions. Sign up for Patch alerts and daily newsletters.

"We think it's important to share this information with our customers," officials said in a statement. "You should know that ShopRite is prepared and we have implemented deep cleaning procedures that follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended protocols, as well as our own enhanced environmental cleaning and disinfecting guidelines."

The store has also taken the following steps:

  • The associate will not return to work until cleared by a healthcare professional to do so;
  • Any colleagues who may have been in close contact for a prolonged period of time, have been notified and are requiring them to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days.

"We are proud of the amazing dedication our associates are demonstrating, and we thank them for their service to our customers," the release said. "Please join us in wishing our associate well and a speedy recovery."

  • State health officials said they believe the virus is "community-spread" in New Jersey. "Community-spread indicates that the coronavirus is amongst us," Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli announced. Read more: Coronavirus May Be 'Community-Spread' In NJ
  • Murphy issued a stay-at-home order, closing all non-essential business at 9 p.m. Saturday, March 21. Read more: Gov. Murphy Announces NJ 'Stay-At-Home' Order Due To Coronavirus
  • On Monday, March 16, Murphy announced that all schools would close on Tuesday, March 17. Read more: NJ Schools Will Close Due To Coronavirus Outbreak: Gov. Murphy
  • Here are 10 resources for you and your family to utilize as you navigate through the outbreak: Unemployment, Tests, Food: 10 NJ Resources In Coronavirus Crisis
  • Murphy issued an executive order on Thursday, March 19 to ensure voters can exercise their right to vote without risking their health and safety. Read more: Coronavirus Alters NJ Election Procedure, Moves Election Dates
  • The first person in New Jersey to die of the coronavirus was reported on Tuesday, March 10. Read more: First NJ Coronavirus Death, 4 New Cases: Governor
  • New Jersey's courts suspended all new jury trials until further notice, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner said on Thursday, March 12. Read more: Coronavirus Throws Monkey Wrench Into New Jersey Court System
  • Rabner also announced on Saturday, March 14 that municipal court sessions will be suspended.
  • The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission said it's also closing temporarily. Read more: New Jersey MVC Shuts Down Because Of Coronavirus ###liNJ Hospitals Lack Beds For Coronavirus Surge: Report
  • Four members of the same New Jersey family died from the coronavirus, according to March 19 reports. Read more: 4 In Same Family, Including 3 In NJ, Die Of Coronavirus: Reports
  • Murphy also has signed 16 bills into law that he says will help the state deal with the coronavirus outbreak. Read more: NJ Gov. Phil Murphy Signs 16 Coronavirus Bills Into Law

The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person. Someone who is actively sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others. That is why CDC recommends that these patients be isolated either in the hospital or at home (depending on how sick they are) until they are better and no longer pose a risk of infecting others.

There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19.

While the best way to prevent illness is to avoid virus exposure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention always recommends taking preventive actions to contain the spread of viruses.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Residents who have questions about the virus can contact the State of New Jersey's hotline at 1 (800) 222-1222. The hotline is home of the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, and is staffed 24 hours a day by state health workers.

Не открывается файл hosts - что делать?

Если вы пытаетесь открыть файл hosts, но по каким-то причинам доступ к данному файлу заблокирован, или при попытке выбора блокнота происходит ошибка, то практически со 100% вероятность можно предположить, что доступ к файлу hosts блокирует вирус.

Вирусная программа перехватывает административные функции управления правами системных файлов.

Для того, чтобы появилась возможность редактирование файла hosts, необходимо загрузить компьютер в "безопасном режиме", путём нажатия клавиши F8 при начальном этапе загрузки компьютера.

Если у вас Windows 7

Файл hosts присутствует в папке etc, но он скрыт и отредактировать его стандартными средствами невозможно.

В зависимости от того, на каком диске установлена операционная система. "C", "D" и т.д.

1. Необходимо вручную запустить файл notepad. Он находится: C:windows
Запустить его необходимо от имени администратора.

2. Далее через обзор блокнота:
Необходимо зайти в папку:
C:Windows —> System32 —> drivers —> etc

и вручную вписать название файла: hosts

Файл откроется и будет доступен для редактирования.

Эффективный способ борьбы с вирусом "активация аккаунта" Вконтакте

Полная замена папки, в которой находится файл hosts на дефолтную (стандартную папку из дистрибутива Windows XP)

Как уже неоднократно говорилось, вирусы для социальной сети Вконтакте постоянно видоизменяются и усложняются. Таким образом можно сделать простой вывод: одного единственного способа борьбы с данным злом не существует.

Мы предлагаем вам эффективный способ. Он реально работает!

Необходимо заменить всю папку "etc" на стандартную (взятую из дистрибутива Windows XP). *Данный метод пригоден только к операционной системе Windows XP и Windows Vista (а также Windows 7 *пользователи подтверждают, что работает). Мы не даём никакой гарантии, что он будет эффективен для других версий ОС (не пробовали).

! Если не получается удалить папку "etc" (появляется сообщение о том, что у вас не хватает прав), то необходимо загрузить компьютер в безопасном режиме и повторить попытку.

Если данный способ вам помог, то, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий ниже. Если возникли проблемы, оставляйте комментарий - мы ответим и разберёмся.

Как узнать на каком диске операционная система?

К сожалению, операционная система Windows XP не позволяет в 2 клика определить имя диска, с которого осуществляется её загрузка. Для того, чтобы со 100% точностью узнать на каком диске работает ваша операционная система, необходимо проделать следующее:

1. Пуск
2. Во второй колонке, на самом верху будет находится папка "Мои документы"
(см. изо. 1)

Необходимо навести курсор на раздел "Мои документы" и нажать правую клавишу мыши в появившемся окне на вкладку "Свойства"
(см. изо.2)

В появившемся окне будет раздел "Размещение конечной папки". Первая буква, с которой будет начинаться путь - это и есть имя диска, с которого в данный момент работает операционная система. В данном случае - это "G". В большинстве случаев - это диски "C" или "D".
(см. изо. 3)

Часто задаваемые вопросы по активации аккаунта и вирусах Вконтакте

1. Вопрос: Я не рассылал никакого спама в контакте, но мне пишут, что мой аккаунт заблокирован из-за рассылки спама. Что это?

Ответ: Одно из двух. Либо ваш пароль к аккаунту Вконтакте (или почтовому ящику, на который был зарегистрирован аккаунт вконтакте) был настолько лёгким, что его просто подобрали вручную или с помощью специальных программ (брут), либо вы поймали вирус на свой компьютер.

2. Вопрос: Мой пароль к Вконтакте был достаточно сложным, подобрать его практически невозможно. О почтовом ящике (на который был зарегистрирован вконтакт) вообще никто не знает. К аккаунту вконтакте и почтовому ящику пароли были разные.

Ответ: Тогда, вероятнее всего, вы поймали вирус. О том, как вирусы попадают на ваш компьютер, будет описано ниже.

3. Вопрос: Ну и что же мне теперь делать? Я пытаюсь зайти Вконтакт, но появляется табличка, где мне предлагают отправить смс на какой-то номер, потом появляется табличка. Цитирую: "для немедленной деинстализации модуля пожалуйста проведите оплату через терминал экспресс оплаты в сторону сервиса" и прилагаются реквизиты. Неужели Вконтакте требует с меня денег?!

Ответ: А вот именно это и есть результат работы вируса, которым заражен ваш компьютер. Этот вирус и создаёт подмену реального адреса Попробую объяснить как это происходит.
Любая версия операционной системы Windows, имеет специальный технических файл, отвечающий за маршрутизацию сетевого трафика. Этот файл называется hosts и находится на вашем копьютере. Данный файл имеет путь: C:Windows —> System32 —> drivers —> etc —> hosts. (где "C" имя диска, на котором установлена операционная система). Оригинал файла hosts выглядит так *откроется в новом окне. Если вы видите различия, то с данным файлом поработал вирус.

Если в файле hosts вы наблюдаете следующие строки:

где "xxx" - цифры (ip). В этом случае ваш файл hosts, равно как и весь компьютер, заражен вирусом.

Вопрос: Мда, ! Я даже не представлял что такое возможно.

5. Вопрос: Что значит, если появляется сообщение 1622213iflk ?

Ответ: Если появляется сообщение, в котором присутствует "1622213iflk", то это значит, что ваш компьютер заражен вирусом "активация аккаунта". Специально для таких случаев, мы написали несколько статей. Рекомендуем с ними ознакомиться.
1. Подробнее о 1622213iflk *откроется в новом окне
2. 4 способа борьбы с вирусом активация аккаунта *откроется в новом окне
3. Радикальный способ удаления вируса, требующего смс или оплаты с помощью терминала *откроется в новом окне

6. Вопрос: Пытаюсь зайти Вконтакт и мне пишут: "в связи с аварией в датацентре мы вынуждены ненадолго выключить сайт примите извинения в скором времени всё будет исправлено"

Ответ: Читайте предыдущий вопрос/ответ. Это сообщение сгенерировано злоумышленниками. Это вирус. В предыдущем топике данный вопрос уже рассматривался.

Ответ: Существует 2 логических объяснения данному явлению.
1. Ваша страница Вконтакте была взломана и злоумышленники сменили пароль. Вполне вероятно, что они также сменили и e-mail, на который был зарегистрирован Вконтакт (в случае, если пароль к учетной записи в контакте и e-mail был одинаковым или отличался незначительно). Если ваша страница была взломана или вы вводите неверные данные, то после ввода логина и пароля, вы увидите такую страницу (см. скриншот ниже).

2. Если после ввода логина и пароля вас все равно перебрасывает на стартовую страницу (как будто вы ничего не вводили). (см. скриншот ниже).

4 способа борьбы с вирусом hosts *откроется в новом окне
Радикальный способ удаления вируса Вконтакте *откроется в новом окне

8. Вопрос: Появляется сообщение: "абонентам других стран необходимо обратиться в службу поддержки за получением кода". Я хочу отправить смс, но я не в России. Что делать?

Ответ: Еще раз хотим напомнить, что Вконтакте никогда не требует никаких смс для подтверждения владельца страницы. Если вы видите сообщение "абонентам других стран необходимо обратиться в службу поддержки за получением кода" или иные, сходные по смыслу сообщения, то это значит, что ваш компьютер заражен вирусом "активация в контакте". Решение проблемы - вопросы № 4 и 5 на данной странице. Не отправляйте никаких смс! Вы просто подарите свои деньги злоумышленникам!

The situation surrounding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) continues to evolve and changes occur rapidly. Please know, that the health and safety of our patients, their families, and our team members remains a top priority for Sparta Community Hospital. It is because of this, that a number of precautions are being implemented to help protect our community.

We take these proactive precautions to protect our patients, team members, and the communities we serve. We are sensitive to the inconvenience this may cause our patients and their loved ones, but we believe these measures of protection are essential at this time to keep people safe.

We, at Sparta Community Hospital & Quality Healthcare Clinic, understand that we have a duty to continue to provide care for patients in our community who do not have COVID-19. In effort to keep those needing care with suspected respiratory illness separate from other patients, as well as to keep our emergency rooms as free from COVID-19 as possible, we are temporarily changing how we deliver care.

Patients with concerning symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing will still be asked to first call their primary care provider. Office staff will continue to complete initial phone screening. The patient will be directed to either isolate or to report to the temporary Respiratory Clinic/COVID-19 clinic for further evaluation. For the patients who will be reporting for testing/evaluation, the patients’ primary care provider, and the provider in the Respiratory Clinic will consult. Patients will be given an appointment time and instructed to park along the shed in a numbered parking slot, and remain in their vehicle, until a staff member retrieves them.

Patients seeking same-day for other illnesses or injury will return to being seen at Convenient Care.

Patients needing to be seen for routine or follow-up care, appointments will continue to be made with their primary care provider’s at each of the Quality Healthcare Clinics. The PCP will determine whether the appointment can be via telehealth, or if they will need to be seen in person.

ALL patients are still asked to call their provider (Or convenient care if they do not have a PCP) before arriving to convenient care.

  • If you, or a family member are experiencing concerning symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, and want to be seen, we ask that you first call your primary care provider. Clinic staff will conduct a phone screening with you, and provide direction. If you do not have a primary care provider, please call Convenient Care.
  • Sparta Community Hospital is restricting visitation to all patients. Loved ones requesting patient updates and/or discharge information are asked to call the Nurses Station directly at 618-443-1395. The only exception will be in the case of compassionate situations, such as end of life care. Decisions about visitation during an end of life situation will be made on a case by case basis, and will include careful screening of the visitor
  • All patient s of Sparta Community Hospital outpatient services, Quality Healthcare Clinics, emergency department, Convenient Care, and The Center, will be screened upon registration.
  • Chairs are being reconfigured and/or removed in waiting rooms, to help ensure distance between patients. You will also notice increased disinfecting of ‘high-touch’ areas by employees.
  • Preventive and/or routine screenings, such as annual mammograms, bone density tests, and sleep studies will postponed at this time. Diagnostic screenings will be performed as scheduled.
  • Patients seeking routine blood work in the laboratory, are encouraged to stay home and delay coming into the hospital if possible.
  • Since a large part of Cardiac Rehabilitation involves hands on activity, all sessions will be postponed until further notice.
  • The Center and Marissa Fitness Center will be closed, with plans to re-evaluate on April 30. Outpatient therapy (physical and occupational) is still operating as scheduled.
  • As a precautionary measure and to keep patients and team members safe, Sparta Community Hospital is monitoring employee temperatures upon arrival to work.
  • Recommendations regarding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is being adhered to.
  • For patients needing to be seen for routine or follow-up care, appointments will continue to be made with your primary care provider. Your primary care provider will determine if the appointment will be in person, or via telehealth. At this time, if a patient is eligible for a telehealth visit, he/she will receive a phone call the day prior with instructions.
  • Patients seeking same-day for other illnesses or injury will be seen at North Campus Healthcare.
  • Patients with concerning symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing will still be asked to first call their primary care provider, so that we may be better prepared to care for you. Patients will complete an initial phone screening; and will then be directed to either report to Convenient Care for further observation or to isolate.
  • All patient s of Sparta Community Hospital outpatient services, Quality Healthcare Clinics, emergency department, Convenient Care, and The Center, will be screened upon registration.
  • The COVID-19 Emergency Response Team is working to prepare for a potential surge in patients at Sparta Community Hospital. As part of the preparations, the team has been working closely with MEDS (our contracted ER physician staffing group), and IEMA. A large tent from Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) has been delivered, and set-up by Sparta Fire Department. A plan is nearly operationalized for how we will utilize not only the tent, but other areas of the hospital and staff, in the case that we do experience a surge in patients.

Due to limited quantities of testing kits available nationwide, and based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Sparta Community Hospital & Quality Healthcare Clinics will only be testing patients for COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), if they are an hospital patient with unexplained pneumonia or a resident or employee of a congregate residential setting.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself and others in your community is stay home while you have mild symptoms. There are currently no medications to treat COVID-19, and having a test will not change the advice to stay home for 14-days or 72- hours after your fever has gone away and your symptoms are improving, whichever is longer.

We cannot stress the importance of hand hygiene and social distancing at this time.

If you happen to be in close contact to someone with COVID-19, it is recommended that you monitor your health for fever, cough, and shortness of breath for 14 days after the last day you were in contact with the infected individual. You should not go to work or school, and should avoid public spaces during this time. If you get sick during this time, please contact your provider so that he/she may begin treating the individual symptoms. Again, having a test will not change your providers advice to self-quarantine.

Thank you for your interest in helping Sparta Community Hospital get much needed personal protective equipment and other supplies to our team members during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Last week, the CDC announced that they are now recommending that people wear a cloth face mask, when individuals are in the community. This is in light of new data about how COVID-19 spreads, along with evidence of widespread COVID-19 illness in communities across the country. The recommendation is meant to protect people around you if you are infected, but do not have symptoms.

With that being said, we know that many people are now scrambling to find a face mask. As there are many awesome folks in the community making face masks, Sparta Community Hospital is offering to be a collection and distribution spot for masks. A box will be set-up at the Hospital screening desk for donors to place masks. Community members are invited to take a mask from the box. Sparta Community Hospital strongly encourages individuals to wash their donated mask before wearing it.

Please understand that although the CDC is recommended the use of cloth masks, that this does not mean community members should be relaxed in other preventative actions. The CDC still recommends that you stay at least 6 feet away from other people (social distancing), frequent hand cleaning and other everyday preventive actions. Remember, a cloth face covering is not intended to protect the wearer, but it may prevent the spread of virus from the wearer to others. This would be especially important if someone is infected but does not have symptoms. (CDC DIY Cloth Mask Instructions)

Employees at Sparta Community Hospital are still doing everything we can to extend the life of our current PPE, and will not be resorting to cloth face masks for patient care. As surgical masks and N95 respirators are in short supply across the country, please consider donating any you may have at home.

  • Masks:
    • N-95
    • Earloop
    • Surgical
  • Gowns:
    • Isolation
    • Non-Descript
  • Gloves:
    • Nitrile
    • Sterile
    • Surgical
  • Eye Protection:
    • Face Shields
    • Goggles

If you have items you would like to donate, please contact Materials Management at 618-443-1440.

In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Sparta Community Hospital encourages you to protect yourself and others from not only the COVID-19, but all upper respiratory infections.

Clean your hands often.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Put distance between yourself and other people.
  • Stay home if you’re sick.
  • Avoid public and/or crowded spaces as much as possible.

Cover coughs and sneezes.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
  • Throw used tissues in the trash.
  • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces often.

  • This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, counter tops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
  • If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.

Due to the changing nature of COVID-19’s presence, these procedures and recommendations will be revised accordingly in response to circumstances.

Tech alumni on the front lines of COVID-19 test development

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 21, 2020 10:00 am

Mikenah Rogers, a Tennessee Tech chemical engineering alumna, works in the lab developing a COVID-19 test at Integrity Laboratories in Knoxville.

Two Tennessee Tech chemical engineering alumni are on the front line in the development of faster COVID-19 testing.

Amber Monroe, a 2018 chemical engineering graduate from Rockwood, and Mikenah Rogers, a 2019 chemical engineering graduate from Kingston, both work at Integrity Laboratories in Knoxville. The lab received emergency clearance from the Federal Drug Administration in March to develop COVID-19 tests, which enables the lab to get results in hours, not days.

“I attended the healthcare career fair at Tennessee Tech in May 2018 where I met the … CONTINUED

Beginning the opening, put productive plans in place soon

Posted by Sparta Live | April 21, 2020 9:43 am

The Right Stuff – By Donald Holman

This week, the president has announced what appears to be a reasonable step-by-step process for re-opening our economy and getting us all back work. What a wonderful thing! But, of course, there are roadblocks ahead. Everyone seems to have their own ideas as to the timing and process of opening. This too, is a good sign. It means lots of thought and planning have gone into gaming out the first moves. All well and good! But what we do not need is a lot of foot dragging and whining as we begin this process. For states that are concerned that step … CONTINUED

Has the United States Postal Service lost its importance?

Posted by Sparta Live | April 21, 2020 9:41 am

Democratic Dialog – By Debra Wines

Since the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), the United States Postal Service has been obligated by a unique financial challenge that no other government agency, private or public business has been forced, by law, to face. The law required USPS to prefund its retirees’ health benefits up to the year 2056. USPS does not receive any taxpayer subsidies like other large corporations and industries. PAEA required the USPS to pay $5 billion per year to pre-fund these benefits. For any business, this would be a huge financial burden, yet for the USPS it is wreaking havoc, not just for … CONTINUED

Schools are officially closed for remainder of year

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 21, 2020 9:39 am

By Rachel Auberger

On April 15, 2020, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee recommended that all Tennessee schools remain closed for the rest of the school year, and White County schools quickly announced they would follow that recommendation.

“Although this decision is certainly in the best interest of public health and safety, it also raises many questions concerning grades, activities, and events,” White County Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger said. “Individual schools will be providing more specific and up-to-date information soon via email, websites and phone calls. The White County Board of Education will be working diligently over the next several weeks to answer all of your questions.”

City reopens parks to public

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 21, 2020 9:29 am

By Rachel Auberger

Sparta Mayor Jeff Young addressed the Board of Mayor and Alderman at the April 16, 2020 meeting and requested they consider re-opening the city parks to the public.

“I would like to have a discussion with the board about possibly reopening our parks,” Young told the board. “We still want to maintain social distancing. We want to have signage and be sure our city staff is telling people that. At the same time, if we reopen our parks, our walkways, our green spaces, and things like that, we still want to maintain closure at the pavilions and playground equipment.”

Young’s request comes after reports that … CONTINUED

Safer at Home Order will expire April 30, TN begins phased re-opening

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 20, 2020 5:26 pm

(Monday, April 20, 2020) Governor Bill Lee announced today that the order for Tennesseans to remain at home will expire April 30, with the vast majority of businesses in 89 counties allowed to re-open on May 1.

“Our Economic Recovery Group is working with industry leaders around the clock so that some businesses can open as soon as Monday, April 27,” said Gov. Lee. “These businesses will open according to specific guidance that we will provide in accordance with state and national experts in both medicine and business.”

The Lee Administration will work with Shelby, Madison, Davidson, Hamilton, Knox and Sullivan counties and their health departments as

TN Achieves students set new FAFSA filing record

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 20, 2020 2:41 pm

Class of 2020 TN Promise students served by partnering organization, tnAchieves, set a new record for FAFSA completion. More than 56,300 tnAchieves students, or 90 percent of applicants, filed the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 7, 2020. The FAFSA, a federal application, is the primary financial aid application that any student enrolling in post-secondary must complete in order to determine state and federal scholarship and grant qualifications.

This year’s FAFSA completion rate represents a two percentage point increase from the previous year’s rate, exceeding last year’s number by more than 3,000 students. “We are excited that 3,000 more students than last year met … CONTINUED

State launches Care Through Conversation Program

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 20, 2020 2:36 pm

A No-Cost Program to Help Older Tennesseans who are Isolated

(April 20, 2020) – Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability announced a new support program to help the state’s older adults who are facing social isolation and food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Care Through Conversation program will help ensure the needs of older adults are met through a regularly scheduled telephone call during which a volunteer will conduct a needs assessment coupled with warm conversation to guarantee the participant is safe both mentally and physically. At minimum, volunteers will conduct one call a week, but additional calls can be requested.

“I applaud the Tennessee Commission … CONTINUED

Adopt a Shelter Dog

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 19, 2020 7:21 am

Paul Brock

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 19, 2020 5:19 am

Paul Brock, 78, of Sparta passed away April 17, 2020, at Saint Thomas Highlands Hospital, in Sparta.

Mr. Brock was born April 27, 1941, to Jim and Annie Brock.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brother, Claude (infant); sister, Edith Brock Dodson; and a granddaughter, Olivia Rose McCoy.

He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Mary Ann (Broyles) Brock; his children, Annette (Marty) McCoy, of Murfreesboro, Mark ( Darlene) Brock, of Smithville; grandchildren, Josh Brock, Tayler Brock, Keaton McCoy, Karter McCoy; sisters, Louise Hollingsworth, of Doyle, Martha Vance, of Doyle; and several nieces and nephews and their children.

Helen Jean McBride Broyles

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 19, 2020 5:17 am

Helen Jean McBride Broyles, 90, passed away April 16, 2020.

She was born Jan. 19, 1930, in Doyle, to John S. McBride and Lillian Black McBride.

Throughout her life, she was known for her hard work and dedication to her family. She had various jobs in LaFollette. For several years, she owned and operated hair salons, in LaFollette. She later had a long and distinguished career with the federal government. She was the assistant director of the LaFollette Housing Authority (LHA) prior to being promoted to several senior management positions with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She served in several locations, including Memphis, … CONTINUED

Roberta Phillips Thompson

Posted by Kim Swindell Wood | April 19, 2020 5:12 am

Roberta Phillips Thompson, 83, of Sparta, passed away April 16, 2020, at her niece’s residence, in Baxter.

Mrs. Thompson was born Jan. 22, 1937, in Sparta, to Asco Vander Phillips and Della Brock Phillips.

She was a retired cashier at Save-A-Lot and a longtime member of Greenwood Baptist Church. She had a quick wit and was a loyal friend to many.

In addition to her parents, Mrs. Thompson was preceded in death by her husband, Erbie Thompson and siblings, Joe Phillips, James Phillips, Sue Coleman, Inez Colman, and Emma Bradley.

Survivors include her brother, Nile Phillips; nieces and caregivers, Crystal (Adrian) Acosta, Tabatha (Isidro) Ruiz; and several more … CONTINUED

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