Steam client webhelper вирус

Steamwebhelper.exe - это исполняемый файл (программа) для Windows. Расширение имени файла .exe - это аббревиатура от англ. слова executable — исполнимый. Необходимо запускать исполняемые файлы от проверенных производителей программ, потому что исполняемые файлы могут потенциально изменить настройки компьютера или нанести вред вашему компьютеру. Бесплатный форум с информацией о файлах может помочь вам разобраться является ли steamwebhelper.exe вирусом, трояном, программой-шпионом, рекламой, которую вы можете удалить, или файл принадлежит системе Windows или приложению, которому можно доверять.

Вот так, вы сможете исправить ошибки, связанные с steamwebhelper.exe

Информация о файле steamwebhelper.exe

Процесс Steam Client WebHelper принадлежит программе Steam Client WebHelper или Call of Duty: World at War или Terraria или The Witcher (версия 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced, 3: Wild Hunt) или Counter-Strike или Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK или DiggerOnline или Grand Theft Auto V от Valve (

  • Если steamwebhelper.exe находится в подпапках "C:\Users\USERNAME", тогда рейтинг надежности 55% опасности. Размер файла 2,062,928 байт (25% всех случаев), 1,530,048 байт и еще 5 варианта . У процесса нет видимого окна. Это не системный файл Windows. У файла поставлена цифровая подпись. Steamwebhelper.exe способен мониторить приложения и манипулировать другими программами.
    Если у вас возникли любые проблемы с steamwebhelper.exe, вы можете удалить Steam, или попытаться получить помощь от поставщика программного обеспечения. Нажмите на Steam в Панели управления Windows (раздел Программы и компоненты) для удаления, или нажмите на, чтобы перейти на сайт разработчика.

Важно: Некоторые вредоносные программы маскируют себя как steamwebhelper.exe, особенно, если они расположены в каталоге c:\windows или c:\windows\system32. Таким образом, вы должны проверить файл steamwebhelper.exe на вашем ПК, чтобы убедиться, что это угроза. Мы рекомендуем Security Task Manager для проверки безопасности вашего компьютера.

Комментарий пользователя

Лучшие практики для исправления проблем с steamwebhelper

Аккуратный и опрятный компьютер - это главное требование для избежания проблем с steamwebhelper. Для этого требуется регулярная проверка компьютера на вирусы, очистка жесткого диска, используя cleanmgr и sfc /scannow, удаление программ, которые больше не нужны, проверка программ, которые запускаются при старте Windows (используя msconfig) и активация Автоматическое обновление Windows. Всегда помните о создании периодических бэкапов, или в крайнем случае о создании точек восстановления.

Если у вас актуальные проблемы, попробуйте вспомнить, что вы делали в последнее время, или последнюю программу, которую вы устанавливали перед тем, как появилась впервые проблема. Используйте команду resmon, чтобы определить процесс, который вызывает проблемы. Даже если у вас серьезные проблемы с компьютером, прежде чем переустанавливать Windows, лучше попробуйте восстановить целостность установки ОС или для Windows 8 и более поздних версий Windows выполнить команду DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth. Это позволит восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.

Следующие программы могут вам помочь для анализа процесса steamwebhelper.exe на вашем компьютере: Security Task Manager отображает все запущенные задания Windows, включая встроенные скрытые процессы, такие как мониторинг клавиатуры и браузера или записей автозагрузки. Уникальная оценка рисков безопасности указывает на вероятность процесса быть потенциально опасным - шпионской программой, вирусом или трояном. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware определяет и удаляет бездействующие программы-шпионы, рекламное ПО, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносные программы и трекеры с вашего жесткого диска.

steamwebhelper сканер

Security Task Manager показывает все запущенные сервисы Windows, включая внедренные скрытые приложения (например, мониторинг клавиатуры или браузера, авто вход). Уникальный рейтинг надежности указывает на вероятность того, что процесс потенциально может быть вредоносной программой-шпионом, кейлоггером или трояном.

Бесплатный aнтивирус находит и удаляет неактивные программы-шпионы, рекламу, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносные и следящие программы с вашего жесткого диска. Идеальное дополнение к Security Task Manager.

Reimage бесплатное сканирование, очистка, восстановление и оптимизация вашей системы.

steamwebhelper.exe is part of Steam Client WebHelper and developed by Valve Corporation according to the steamwebhelper.exe version information.

steamwebhelper.exe's description is "Steam Client WebHelper"

steamwebhelper.exe is digitally signed by Valve.

steamwebhelper.exe is usually located in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\' folder.

None of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal reports anything malicious about steamwebhelper.exe.

If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.

Vendor and version information [?]

The following is the available information on steamwebhelper.exe:

Property Value
Product name Steam Client WebHelper
Company name Valve Corporation
File description Steam Client WebHelper
Internal name steamwebhelper (buildbot_steam-rel-win32-builder_steam_rel_client_win32@steam-rel-win32-builder)
Original filename steamwebhelper.exe
Legal copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Valve Corporation
Product version
File version

Here's a screenshot of the file properties when displayed by Windows Explorer:

Product name Steam Client WebHelper
Company name Valve Corporation
File description Steam Client WebHelper
Internal name steamwebhelper (buildbot_steam-rel-w..
Original filename steamwebhelper.exe
Legal copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Valve Corporation
Product version
File version

Digital signatures [?]

steamwebhelper.exe has a valid digital signature.

Property Value
Signer name Valve
Certificate issuer name VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
Certificate serial number 47a938edc7aeac8dc71dcbb4b4f611f8

VirusTotal report

None of the 54 anti-virus programs at VirusTotal detected the steamwebhelper.exe file.

Hashes [?]

Property Value
MD5 8657c7fd0aad834c5543e234363903eb
SHA256 81819b6b50616f1ead0c8a275d24f73e9784507d1bcf64fe731feb59f4df1871

Error Messages

These are some of the error messages that can appear related to steamwebhelper.exe:

steamwebhelper.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

steamwebhelper.exe - Application Error. The instruction at "0xXXXXXXXX" referenced memory at "0xXXXXXXXX". The memory could not be "read/written". Click on OK to terminate the program.

Steam Client WebHelper has stopped working.

End Program - steamwebhelper.exe. This program is not responding.

steamwebhelper.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

steamwebhelper.exe - Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). Click OK to terminate the application.

What will you do with the file?

To help other users, please let us know what you will do with the file:

What did other users do?

The poll result listed below shows what users chose to do with the file. 81% have voted for removal. Based on votes from 494 users.

NOTE: Please do not use this poll as the only source of input to determine what you will do with the file.

Malware or legitimate?

If you feel that you need more information to determine if your should keep this file or remove it, please read this guide.

And now some shameless self promotion ;)

Hi, my name is Roger Karlsson. I've been running this website since 2006. I want to let you know about the FreeFixer program. FreeFixer is a freeware tool that analyzes your system and let you manually identify unwanted programs. Once you've identified some malware files, FreeFixer is pretty good at removing them. You can download FreeFixer here. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/2016/2019/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.


Please share with the other users what you think about this file. What does this file do? Is it legitimate or something that your computer is better without? Do you know how it was installed on your system? Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Thank you for your contributions.

I'm reading all new comments so don't hesitate to post a question about the file. If I don't have the answer perhaps another user can help you.

The process opens up under "Steam.exe" when the Steam web site is opened. It looks like it is part of an "adware" download; as well as, the "initial update" Steam requires when first "activating" a game.

When the Steam web page is opened to the DOWNLOAD PAGE for the initial update it will show different amounts under "TOTAL NETWORK USAGE" and "DOWNLOADED"; for example TOTAL NETWORK USAGE equal TO 189 MB and DOWNLOADED equal TO 19 MB at the same time. And Steam does not stop downloading the adware; it has taken over 750 MB on TOTAL NETWORK USAGE to have the DOWNLOADED equal to 19 MB.

Steam says this does not show up on a broadband internet connection; that the problem at this site is do to the 56 Kbps modem that is used to connect to the internet.

# 3 Mar 2015, 15:39

I've been having a lot of problems with steam lately and it's not my shitty computer. The steam web helper completely crashes whenever I try to get on and it won't let me on steam at all. This is becoming a serious issue that I think the staff should really fix as soon as possible. I've tried everything so if they were to fix it it would really help.

[РЕШЕНО] как исправить ошибку steam client webhelper | FAQ .

вчера все нормально было, играл, сегодня захожу 2-3 минуты в меню и виснет дота и через минуты выдает ошибку Прекращена работа программы steam client webhelper что делать хз, мб кто то сталкивался с такой проблемой ?

Прекращена работа прграммы "Steam Client Bootstrapper" :: Русскоязычный Форум Перейти ну да, ток назвать его нужно steam.cfg, ток не сделай ошибку не должно быть steam.cfg.txt.

Многие пользователи ежедневно применяют приложение Steam, однако у некоторого процента из них происходят ошибки, которых никто не ожидал. Одной из таких можно считать прекращение работы программы Steam Client Bootstrapper, когда .

Steam Client Bootstrapper Не удалось подключиться к сети Стим

Прекращена работа програмы Steam Client Bootstrapper не удалось подключиться к сети Steam не входит в стим не работает . Процесс steam.exe может грузить процессор и видеокарту, если он заражен вирусом. В данной статье рассмотрим как удалить троян steam.exe из системы и восстановить нормальную работу ПК

Прекращена работа программы "Steam Client Bootstrapper". . How to fix Steam Client Bootstrapper has stopped working. works 100% - Duration: 1:26. Здравствуйте! При попытки установить Office 2013 сразу выскакивает ошибка "Программа Microsoft Setup Bootstrapper не работает". Пробовал чистую установку, установку в безопасном режиме, без драйвера

Прекращена работа Steam Client Bootstrapper как исправить Евгений Загорский 21.08.2017 Обсудить Сегодня мы разберем ошибку клиента STEAM, когда он не запускается и выдает ошибку “Прекращена работа Steam Client Bootstrapper”. Вот так, вы сможете исправить ошибки, связанные с Steam.exe . Используйте программу Настройщик Windows, чтобы найти причину проблем, в том числе и медленной работы компьютера.; Обновите программу Steam Client Bootstrapper.

Вызванный этим процессом баг может быть разным – “Прекращена работа программы Steam Client Bootstrapper”, “SCB не отвечает”, либо “не работает”. В любом случае, решения этих сбоев носят один характер. После того как включается стим мне пишет прекращена работа программы Steam client bootstrapper, что делать? Александр Божко Компьютеры, Интернет

Как решить эту проблему и установить. Прекращена работа программы 'Microsoft Setup Bootstrapper'. Невозможно установить никакой 2013-ый Офис. ОС - Windows 7 Professional x64. Прекращена работа прграммы 'Steam Client Bootstrapper'.

Прекращена работа программы Steam Client Bootstrapper, что .

Проблемы с установкой ms office 2013, во время установки вылетает окно 'Программа microsoft setup bootstrapper не работает'. Как решить эту проблему и установить. Прекращена работа прграммы 'Steam Client Bootstrapper'. Как исправить - Прекращена работа программы "Steam Client Bootstrapper" YouTube 2:08. Как исправить - Прекращена работа программы "Steam Client Bootstrapper" 9 .

Прекращена Работа Программы Steam Client Bootstrapper Что .

Не запускается стим. При запуске пишет 'Прекращена работа программы Steam Client Bootstrapper',что делать?(( 10 50 да 0 — 355 841 44 500 Прекращена работа программы 'Steam Client Bootstrapper. TOP MomenTs (5 мес.

Вчера все нормально было, играл, сегодня захожу 2-3 минуты в меню и виснет дота и через минуты выдает ошибку Прекращена работа программы steam client webhelper что делать хз, мб кто то сталкивался с такой проблемой? Team Natus Vincere (lat. – born to conquer) also known as Na`Vi is a Ukrainian multigaming e-Sports organization. In 2010 our team was the first in Counter-Strike history to win three major tournaments in one calendar year: the Intel Extreme Masters, Electronic Sports World Cup and World Cyber Games.

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Прекращена работа программы steam client bootstrapper: что делать? Как уже говорилось, данная проблема возникает при запуске операционной системы Windows, поэтому и решение стоит искать в этой области. Стоит отметить, что данные вашего профиля после регистрации можно изменять. Если возникли проблемы в корректной работе программы, то следует обновить программу Steam Client Bootstrapper.

прекращена работа программы steam client bootstrapper

Возникла такая проблема. Не запускается стим. При запуске пишет "Прекращена работа программы Steam Client Bootstrapper", скриншот приложу, гуглил, не нашел решения проблемы даже на англоязычных сайтах.

Прекращена работа прграммы "Steam Client Bootstrapper" Возникшая проблема привела к прекращению работы программы. Закройте эту программу. An alternative multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto V. Не могу зайти открываю лаунчер нажимаю на любой сервер потом вылазиет Прекращена работа steam client bootstrapper помогите

Прекращена работа программы "Steam Client Bootstrapper" ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ. Showing 1-15 of 15 comments . drumandbassfan. Jul 11, 2017 @ 1:23am Переустановить Steam . Всем привет! Я кратко опишу верное решение проблемы "ПРЕКРАЩЕНА РАБОТА ПРОГРАММЫ steam client bootstrapper", которое в 99% случаев поможет и стим нормально запустится.

Steam 12.11.2017 Unturned — ошибка черный экран две полоски, не запускается — как исправить. Всем привет! В последнее время у игроков в Unturned все чаще появляется странная ошибка — игра не запускается.

Ответы Greenluma прекращена работа программы steam client bootstrapper

Как исправить ошибку "Прекращена работа программы"

Видеоурок о том, как исправить ошибку "Прекращена работа программы" при запуске игры или программы. Играл раньше в Metal Gear Solid V ground zeroes, Все шло как по маслу, а сейчас запускаю игру, белый экран в окне, потом пишет- 'Прекращена работа программы Metal Gear Solid V ground zeroes' и как бы 'ищет' решение проблемы .

A new Steam Client update has been released and will be automatically downloaded. The specific changes are listed below. General: Added a confirmation dialog when launching a game via a steam URL with optional command line parameters, so the user can be sure the game is launching with the options they want Вылезает ошибка "Прекращена работа steam client bootstrapper" при добавлении сторонней игры в steam · Компьютеры программы игры проблема - Вылезает ошибка "Прекращена работа steam client bootstrapper

Программа steam client bootstrapper не работает , что делать? . Прекращена работа программы "Steam Client Bootstrapper". Ну и что это? Вижу тут еще одну папку SIVAapp, в ней наверно какие-то данные, потом еще вижу SIVAap.exe, это видимо сама программа, ну а файл uninstaller.exe это видимо компонент для удаления SIVApp.

Эта ошибка из-за неправильной загрузки Стима, нужно переустановить. Закрой Стим, правой кнопкой по иконке и выход. если зависший то через Диспетчер задач-Процессы-находишь Steam Client Bootstrapper правой по нему и завершить .

Вылезает ошибка "Прекращена работа steam client bootstrapper" при добавлении сторонней игры в steam

Steam client bootstrapper- это процесс, отвечающий за обновления игр и приложений. Возникновение ошибок в его работе приводит к невозможности использовать клиент. Исправить проблему можно: отключив антивирус, сбросив настройки . 21.08.2017 Прекращена работа Steam Client Bootstrapper как исправить. Сегодня мы разберем ошибку клиента STEAM, когда он не запускается и выдает ошибку «Прекращена работа Steam Client.

#ВидеоХолка #SteamClientBootstrapper #прекращена работа Steam Client Bootstrapper является неотъемлемой частью Стима. Но что . Прекращена работа программы Steam Client Bootstrapper Автор mellowmatix Настройки, техпомощь и утилиты Форум Natus Vincere

The answer is probably "A lot" or "A whole lot" or "Wait, should there really be that many?"

All the while you're playing games, surfing the web, or doing absolutely nothing at all, your PC is doing a whole bunch of stuff in the background. A lot of it is definitely important, some of it most likely isn't, but either way. there sure is a lot of it, right?

Right now I've got 109 background processes and 101 Windows processes running and all I'm doing is typing this sentence.

I've got Photoshop open, but I don't know why that requires 11 Adobe processes. Nvidia has 10 going, most of them called Nvidia Share—just in case I have a sharing emergency, I guess. There are 7 instances of Steam Client WebHelper because, apparently, the Web needs a lot of Help. From Steam. For some reason.

What are all these things running all the time? And how many of them do you have? That's our question this week: How many background processes and Windows processes are running on your PC right now? Check by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and opening your task manager. Let us know in the comments. Our answers are below.

(Image credit: Future)

Joanna Nelius: So, Task Manager says I have 152 background processes running. (Is that bad?) 39 of those are Google Chrome, because I have an ungodly amount of tabs open at the moment, and there's five Microsoft Edge processes?! (closes those) Multiple instances of Nvidia Container and Nvidia Share, Runtime Broker, something called 'sink to receive asynchronous callbacks for WMI client application—oh god, should it be 'sync', not 'sink'? Please tell me I don't have a virus.

Ah, nope, that's part of the operating system. I'm good. What else—five instances of Slack, four of NZXT's CAM software. 80 instances of svchost.exe. What's COM surrogate? Oh that's part of the Windows OS. Phew.

Jarred Walton: I'm happy to see that I have fewer processes running that some people, because it always seems like there's too much junk going on in the background. I currently have 76 background processes—that's after I close any other open applications—and 105 Windows processes.

What seems absolutely bonkers is that under the details tab in Task Manager, I have 86 instances of svchost.exe. I don't know if Windows 10 just changed the way these things are reported, or if there are a bunch of new services compared to Windows 7, but I'm sure not all of them are necessary. Or maybe they are? Nothing listed under the processes tab strikes me as immediately useless—I'm pretty sure I need DNS client, DHCP client, Network Connection Broker, and a bunch of others. Good thing I have plenty of CPU cores sitting idle.

Lauren Morton: I'm currently sitting at 86 background processes and 97 Windows processes and almost all of them are Greek to me. Like Jarred, I have a horrifying number of Service Host processes, some like "Network Service" that sound pretty vital and others like "Push Notification System" that can jump in a lake. I get all of PC Gamer's notifications on my phone. I don't need them to pop up in front of my email as well, Windows.

The Background Processes section is a visual reminder that I really need to set some of these game launchers to not run on startup. I certainly don't need Origin, GOG, Xbox, and Steam running in the background all at once. I guess I need to clean up my toys more often.

(Image credit: Obsidian)

Andy Chalk: I've got 93 background processes running at the moment, according to ye olde Task Manager. Nothing really leaps out as a "wtf is going on here," although the ten Nvida processes—five Container, three Share, a Shadowplay Helper, and a Web Helper Service—annoy me on principle. (The principle in question being that I shouldn't have to log in to an account to update my video driver, but let's not go down that road.)

Got a few Steam Client Webhelpers in there, five Runtime Brokers, a Status Monitor Application for a printer I haven't used in more than two years, two Microsoft Store processes for some reason. There was a time when I would obsess over this stuff, trying to figure out what each of them was and whether I could get away with eliminating them in order to preserve my precious resources, but these days I don't bother. I guess it's like overclocking, another pastime from long ago: A few extra fps would be nice, but the damn thing works and that's a whole lot nicer.

Jody Macgregor: I've got 116. Yeah, there's a lot of tabs open in Chrome because I've got various Google Docs, two email accounts, Slack, and a CollegeHumor video all open at once, but also 10 of them are NVIDIA just like Andy and Joanna. I choose to remain chill about this because it's not like my performance is suffering. Whatever, NVIDIA. Start up another 10 processes, see if I care. So long as I can jump straight back into the middle of this episode of Escape from the Bloodkeep on YouTube whenever I want you're free to hog all the other system resources.

Phil Savage: I've got 106 on my home PC and 86 on my work PC. The difference mostly seems to be that my home PC is using an Nvidia graphics card. Radeon just has fewer processes—make of that what you will. There doesn't seem to be anything particularly remarkable about the services running, but it does highlight how Task Manager could be better.

Microsoft presumably knows what all of these processes are, and it could definitely do a better job of highlighting that, no, it's fine, that one is supposed to be there. Instead, most of Windows' greatest hits use an unhelpfully obtuse name and the default app icon. It could do a much better job of actually informing people what their computer is doing at any particular time.

(Image credit: Obsidian)

James Davenport: 104 background process and 101 Dalmati—er, Windows services. Nvidia and Google Chrome are the big offenders, with big lists of processes between them. What's going on in there? Is one of those processes a break room for Chrome? Recreation room? Computers are weird. When RAM was a much more limited resource and my CPU was dying gnome in a box shuffling around 1s and 0s I used to treat the active processes in task manager like a royal garden, trimming anything and everything that wasn't absolutely necessary. Maintaining 30 fps in TF2 was far too important.

Steven Messner: This always makes me nervous because I live in constant paranoia I have viruses on my computer and I just don't know it. But I have 132 background processes and 99 Windows processes and as far as I'm concerned all of them are trojans. I'm suspicious of all of them and every time I check Task Manager I always find some task and am like, wait, was that always there? Cue a furious google session where I inevitably find out that YourPhone.exe is just a harmless Windows 10 thing. But still, one can never be too safe. And yes, I know I'm an idiot.

I think this weekend I might just reformat all my drives just to be safe.

Written by Tomas Meskauskas on 09 September 2019 (updated)

WebHelper virus removal guide

The developer of WebHelper is unknown, however, this is certainly not a Windows system file (process). WebHelper is categorized as malicious software (malware) and most anti-virus programs identity it as a trojan-type program. Typically, people do not install these programs intentionally - they are tricked by cyber criminals.

WebHelper, which runs as a WebHepler.exe process in Task Manager, is capable of monitoring the activity of applications. Additionally, it can record keystrokes, mouse inputs, and manipulate and control other programs. From a technical perspective, WebHelper's security danger rating is around 84%. Keystroke logging is the action of recording keys that are pressed using the keyboard. For example, using the keystroke recording function, cyber criminals are able to steal users' passwords and other personal/confidential information and then use it to generate revenue. This might cause financial loss, privacy issues, and so on for affected people. By manipulating/controlling other programs installed on users' computers, cyber criminals can download unwanted programs, malicious software, or send these programs to other people. Therefore, having WebHelper installed might cause unwanted installations or computer infections. By monitoring the activity of apps, criminals might be able to obtain personal/sensitive information. If you believe that this program is installed on your computer, remove it immediately.

Threat Summary:

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Spyhunter.
▼ Download Spyhunter
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for SpyHunter. Limited free trial available, subject to a forty eight hours waiting period.

Many other programs can be used to steal information and perform unwanted actions. People usually install this rogue software unintentionally. Generally, they believe that they are installing a legitimate program, however, cyber criminals use it for malicious purposes. Some examples of other programs of this kind are Atilla Stealer, Bolik, NetSupport Manager, and Orcus.

There are a number of ways to proliferate programs that can be used with malicious intent. Most cyber criminals proliferate them using spam campaigns, Trojans, unofficial/dubious software download channels, fake (third party) software updating tools and 'cracking' tools. Spam campaigns are used to proliferate unwanted programs and computer infections by sending emails that contain malicious attachments. These are usually Microsoft Office documents, PDFs, JavaScript files archives such as RAR, ZIP, executables (.exe and other files), and so on. The main purpose of these campaigns is to trick people into opening the attachments, which then cause download and installation of various high-risk viruses and other threats. Trojans (malicious programs) are used to cause chain infections. When installed, they proliferate other unwanted, malicious software. Untrustworthy, dubious software download sources such as freeware download websites, free file hosting pages, Peer-to-Peer networks (torrent clients, eMule and so on) might be used to present infected (malicious) software or files as legitimate. By downloading files from these sources, users risk installation of various computer infections and unwanted programs. Fake software updaters cause damage by downloading malicious software rather than legitimate updates, or by exploiting bugs/flaws of outdated software. The same applies to software 'cracking' tools - these often download and install malware rather than activating programs/operating systems free of charge.

To keep computers safe, download, install, update software, and browse the web with care. Avoid third party software downloaders/installers and other such tools. Download software using official and trustworthy websites and direct links. Update installed software using implemented functions or tools provided by official software developers. Attachments that are presented in emails received from unknown/suspicious email addresses should not be opened. Even if these emails are presented as 'official', they are usually irrelevant and bogus. Do not activate installed programs using software 'cracking' tools. This is a cyber crime and often causes computer infections. Have reputable anti-spyware or anti-virus software installed and keep it enabled at all times. If you believe that your computer is already infected, we recommend running a scan with Spyhunter for Windows to automatically eliminate infiltrated malware.

Instant automatic malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Spyhunter is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Spyhunter By downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for SpyHunter. Limited free trial available, subject to a forty eight hours waiting period.

Quick menu:

Manual malware removal is a complicated task - usually it is best to allow antivirus or anti-malware programs to do this automatically. To remove this malware we recommend using Spyhunter for Windows. If you wish to remove malware manually, the first step is to identify the name of the malware that you are trying to remove. Here is an example of a suspicious program running on a user's computer:

If you checked the list of programs running on your computer, for example, using task manager, and identified a program that looks suspicious, you should continue with these steps:

Download a program called Autoruns. This program shows auto-start applications, Registry, and file system locations:

Restart your computer into Safe Mode:

Windows XP and Windows 7 users: Start your computer in Safe Mode. Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer start process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see the Windows Advanced Option menu, and then select Safe Mode with Networking from the list.

Video showing how to start Windows 7 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Windows 8 users: Start Windows 8 is Safe Mode with Networking - Go to Windows 8 Start Screen, type Advanced, in the search results select Settings. Click Advanced startup options, in the opened "General PC Settings" window, select Advanced startup. Click the "Restart now" button. Your computer will now restart into the "Advanced Startup options menu". Click the "Troubleshoot" button, and then click the "Advanced options" button. In the advanced option screen, click "Startup settings". Click the "Restart" button. Your PC will restart into the Startup Settings screen. Press F5 to boot in Safe Mode with Networking.

Video showing how to start Windows 8 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Windows 10 users: Click the Windows logo and select the Power icon. In the opened menu click "Restart" while holding "Shift" button on your keyboard. In the "choose an option" window click on the "Troubleshoot", next select "Advanced options". In the advanced options menu select "Startup Settings" and click on the "Restart" button. In the following window you should click the "F5" button on your keyboard. This will restart your operating system in safe mode with networking.

Video showing how to start Windows 10 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Extract the downloaded archive and run the Autoruns.exe file.

In the Autoruns application, click "Options" at the top and uncheck the "Hide Empty Locations" and "Hide Windows Entries" options. After this procedure, click the "Refresh" icon.

Check the list provided by the Autoruns application and locate the malware file that you want to eliminate.

You should write down its full path and name. Note that some malware hides process names under legitimate Windows process names. At this stage, it is very important to avoid removing system files. After you locate the suspicious program you wish to remove, right click your mouse over its name and choose "Delete".

After removing the malware through the Autoruns application (this ensures that the malware will not run automatically on the next system startup), you should search for the malware name on your computer. Be sure to enable hidden files and folders before proceeding. If you find the filename of the malware, be sure to remove it.

Reboot your computer in normal mode. Following these steps should remove any malware from your computer. Note that manual threat removal requires advanced computer skills. If you do not have these skills, leave malware removal to antivirus and anti-malware programs. These steps might not work with advanced malware infections. As always it is best to prevent infection than try to remove malware later. To keep your computer safe, install the latest operating system updates and use antivirus software.

To be sure your computer is free of malware infections, we recommend scanning it with Spyhunter for Windows.

Tomas Meskauskas - expert security researcher, professional malware analyst.

PCrisk security portal is brought by a company RCS LT. Joined forces of security researchers help educate computer users about the latest online security threats. More information about the company RCS LT.

Our malware removal guides are free. However, if you want to support us you can send us a donation.

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Copyright © Иммунитет и инфекции

Name WebHelper.exe virus
Threat Type Trojan, Password stealing virus, Banking malware, Spyware.
Detection Names (WebHelper.exe) Avast (Win32:FloxLib-A [Trj]), BitDefender (Win32.Floxif.A), ESET-NOD32 (Win32/Floxif.H), Kaspersky (, Full List (VirusTotal)
Malicious Process Name(s) WebHelper.exe
Symptoms Trojans are designed to stealthily infiltrate the victim's computer and remain silent. Thus, no particular symptoms are clearly visible on an infected machine.
Distribution methods Infected email attachments, malicious online advertisements, social engineering, software cracks.
Damage Stolen banking information, passwords, identity theft, victim's computer added to a botnet.
Malware Removal (Windows)