Что такое ripper вирус

Что такое Ripper.exe?

Ripper.exe это исполняемый файл, который является частью Медиа Революция Программа, разработанная В СМИ КГ, Программное обеспечение обычно о 28.38 MB по размеру.

Расширение .exe имени файла отображает исполняемый файл. В некоторых случаях исполняемые файлы могут повредить ваш компьютер. Пожалуйста, прочитайте следующее, чтобы решить для себя, является ли Ripper.exe Файл на вашем компьютере - это вирус или троянский конь, который вы должны удалить, или это действительный файл операционной системы Windows или надежное приложение.

Ripper.exe безопасно, или это вирус или вредоносная программа?

Первое, что поможет вам определить, является ли тот или иной файл законным процессом Windows или вирусом, это местоположение самого исполняемого файла. Например, такой процесс, как Ripper.exe, должен запускаться из C: \ Program Files \ media revolution \ mediarevolution.exe, а не где-либо еще.

Наиболее важные факты о Ripper.exe:

Если у вас возникли какие-либо трудности с этим исполняемым файлом, вы должны определить, заслуживает ли он доверия, перед удалением Ripper.exe. Для этого найдите этот процесс в диспетчере задач.

Найдите его местоположение (оно должно быть в C: \ Program Files \ MEDIA Revolution \) и сравните его размер с приведенными выше фактами.

Если вы подозреваете, что можете быть заражены вирусом, вы должны немедленно попытаться это исправить. Чтобы удалить вирус Ripper.exe, необходимо Загрузите и установите приложение полной безопасности, например Malwarebytes., Обратите внимание, что не все инструменты могут обнаружить все типы вредоносных программ, поэтому вам может потребоваться попробовать несколько вариантов, прежде чем вы добьетесь успеха.

Кроме того, функциональность вируса может сама влиять на удаление Ripper.exe. В этом случае вы должны включить Безопасный режим с поддержкой сети - безопасная среда, которая отключает большинство процессов и загружает только самые необходимые службы и драйверы. Когда вы можете запустить программу безопасности и полный анализ системы.

Могу ли я удалить или удалить Ripper.exe?

Не следует удалять безопасный исполняемый файл без уважительной причины, так как это может повлиять на производительность любых связанных программ, использующих этот файл. Не забывайте регулярно обновлять программное обеспечение и программы, чтобы избежать будущих проблем, вызванных поврежденными файлами. Что касается проблем с функциональностью программного обеспечения, проверяйте обновления драйверов и программного обеспечения чаще, чтобы избежать или вообще не возникало таких проблем.

Согласно различным источникам онлайн, 7% людей удаляют этот файл, поэтому он может быть безвредным, но рекомендуется проверить надежность этого исполняемого файла самостоятельно, чтобы определить, является ли он безопасным или вирусом. Лучшая диагностика для этих подозрительных файлов - полный системный анализ с Reimage, Если файл классифицирован как вредоносный, эти приложения также удалят Ripper.exe и избавятся от связанных вредоносных программ.

  • 1. в Меню Пуск (для Windows 8 щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в нижнем левом углу экрана), нажмите панель, а затем под программы:
    o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удаление программы.
    o Windows XP: нажмите Добавить или удалить программы.
  • 2. Когда вы найдете программу Медиа Революциящелкните по нему, а затем:
    o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удалить.
    o Windows XP: нажмите Удалить or Изменить / Удалить вкладка (справа от программы).
  • 3. Следуйте инструкциям по удалению Медиа Революция.

Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в Ripper.exe

Наиболее распространенные ошибки Ripper.exe, которые могут возникнуть:

Эти сообщения об ошибках .exe могут появляться во время установки программы, во время выполнения соответствующей программы, MEDIA Revolution, при запуске или завершении работы Windows, или даже при установке операционной системы Windows. Отслеживание момента появления ошибки Ripper.exe является важной информацией, когда дело доходит до устранения неполадок.

Как исправить Ripper.exe

Аккуратный и опрятный компьютер - это один из лучших способов избежать проблем с MEDIA Revolution. Это означает выполнение сканирования на наличие вредоносных программ, очистку жесткого диска cleanmgr и ПФС / SCANNOWудаление ненужных программ, мониторинг любых автозапускаемых программ (с помощью msconfig) и включение автоматических обновлений Windows. Не забывайте всегда делать регулярные резервные копии или хотя бы определять точки восстановления.

Если у вас возникла более серьезная проблема, постарайтесь запомнить последнее, что вы сделали, или последнее, что вы установили перед проблемой. Использовать resmon Команда для определения процессов, вызывающих вашу проблему. Даже в случае серьезных проблем вместо переустановки Windows вы должны попытаться восстановить вашу установку или, в случае Windows 8, выполнив команду DISM.exe / Online / Очистка-изображение / Восстановить здоровье, Это позволяет восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.

Чтобы помочь вам проанализировать процесс Ripper.exe на вашем компьютере, вам могут пригодиться следующие программы: Менеджер задач безопасности отображает все запущенные задачи Windows, включая встроенные скрытые процессы, такие как мониторинг клавиатуры и браузера или записи автозапуска. Единый рейтинг риска безопасности указывает на вероятность того, что это шпионское ПО, вредоносное ПО или потенциальный троянский конь. Это антивирус обнаруживает и удаляет со своего жесткого диска шпионское и рекламное ПО, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносное ПО и трекеры.

Обновлено апреля 2020 года:

Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать этот новый инструмент. Он исправляет множество компьютерных ошибок, а также защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО, сбои оборудования и оптимизирует ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности. Это исправило наш компьютер быстрее, чем делать это вручную:

(опциональное предложение для Reimage - Cайт | Лицензионное соглашение | Политика Kонфиденциальности | Удалить)

Загрузите или переустановите Ripper.exe

это не рекомендуется загружать замещающие exe-файлы с любых сайтов загрузки, так как они могут содержать вирусы и т. д. Если вам нужно скачать или переустановить Ripper.exe, мы рекомендуем переустановить основное приложение, связанное с ним. Медиа Революция.

Информация об операционной системе

Ошибки Ripper.exe могут появляться в любых из нижеперечисленных операционных систем Microsoft Windows:

  • Окна 10
  • Окна 8.1
  • Окна 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows ME
  • Окна 2000

  • Threat Type: File infector

  • Destructiveness: No

  • Encrypted:

  • In the wild: Yes

This boot virus infects the boot sectors of its infected systems. It is capable of destroying the Master Boot Record of an infected system.

This encrypted, stealth virus infects boot sectors.

A system gets infected when it boots from an infected diskette. This virus loads itself in memory and then infects any accessed, non-protected disks. It also infects the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the infected system. Then it replaces the original boot sector with its code and places the original boot section in the last sector of the root directory.

The random selection of this virus for disk writes (approximately 1 in every 1000) and its swapping of words in the write buffer corrupts the hard disk.

If the user attempts to examine the infected boot sectors while this virus is in memory, it displays the original, uninfected file.

Restore your system's Master Boot Record (MBR)

To restore your system's Master Boot Record (MBR):

• On Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003:

  1. Insert your Windows Installation CD into your CD drive then restart your computer.
  2. When prompted, press any key to boot from the CD.
  3. On the Main Menu, type r to enter the Recovery Console.
    (Note for Windows 2000: After pressing r, type c to choose the Recovery Console on the repair options screen.)
  4. Type the number that corresponds to the drive and folder that contains Windows (usually C:\WINDOWS) and press Enter.
  5. Type your Administrator password and press Enter.
  6. In the input box, type the following then press Enter:
  7. Type exit and press Enter to restart the system normally.

• On Windows Vista, 7, and Server 2008:

  1. Insert your Windows Installation DVD into the DVD drive, then press the restart button on your computer.
  2. When prompted, press any key to boot from the DVD.
  3. Depending on your Windows Installation DVD, you might be required to choose the installation language. On the Install Windows window, choose your language, locale, and keyboard layout or input method. Click Repair your computer.
  4. Select Use recovery tools that can help fix problems starting Windows. Select your installation of Windows. Click Next.
  5. If the Startup Repair window appears, click Cancel, Yes, then Finish.
  6. In the System Recovery Options menu, click Command Prompt.
  7. In the Command Prompt window, type the following then press Enter:
    BootRec.exe /fixmbr
  8. Type exit and press Enter to close the Command Prompt window.
  9. Click Restart to restart your computer normally.

• On Windows 8, 8.1, and Server 2012:

  1. Insert your Windows Installation DVD in the DVD drive, then restart your computer.
  2. When prompted, press any key to boot from the DVD.
  3. Depending on your Windows Installation DVD, you might be required to select the keyboard layout. Then on the Windows Setup window, choose your language, locale, and input method. Click Next, then click Repair your computer.
  4. Click Troubleshoot>Advanced Options>Command Prompt.
  5. In the Command Prompt window, type the following then press Enter:
    BootRec.exe /fixmbr
  6. Type exit and press Enter to close the Command Prompt window.
  7. Click Continue to restart the system normally.

Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as RIPPER. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check this Knowledge Base page for more information.

Ripper is a type of virus that randomly infects disk write heads when its active in memory. It infects the disk writes, making the data invalid. Ripper virus can be less harmful, or it can be threatening, or it can destroy the whole system. Regardless of the intensity of the attack, be it big or small, the prime objective of the hacker is to destroy and steal all the data from the infected system.

How does the Ripper virus infect the system?

The Boot sector virus/Ripper virus spreads its infection through physical media. It targets and infects the boot sector of the Master Boot Record of the hard disk. Once the system boots from an infected disc, the corrupted code runs. The infection is passed on to the computer through an infected USB, when the Volume Boot Record of the drive is read; it then alters the existing boot code. As a result, when the user attempts to boot the PC, the virus gets loaded to run automatically along with the Master Boot Record. Most of the ripper viruses are passed on to the victim through email attachments that is made to contain the ripper virus code. When the target victim opens the virus containing attachments, it infects the host computer and holds a set of instructions to forward the infection to the user’s contact list.

With enhancements made in the BIOS (basic input/output system) architecture, there has been a drop in the spread of boot virus/ripper virus infection; as the enhanced version prevents the virus from altering the first sector of the hard drive.

How can Ripper virus get into your Computer?

There are different ways through which Ripper virus can infect your computer

Following are some of the common methods:

  • Downloads from suspicious websites
  • Through infected attachments
  • When infected external hard drives like a DVD, a memory card, or a pen drive that are infested with ripper virus are inserted into a victim’s device
  • Fake virus removal tools
  • When infected documents that are shared within the corporate network

Symptoms of Ripper Infection

How do you know if your system is infected?

The following are the key symptoms to understand if your system is infected with Ripper infections are:

  • Impromptu error messages
  • Blue Screen of Death in Windows
  • Unexpected slow performance of the system
  • Frequent “Not Responding” error messages
  • Unexpected deletions of files and folders
  • Spam emails sent from your email account
  • When there is a randomly created new files in the hard-drive

Preventive measures

Following are the best practices of basic security to stay protected from Ripper virus

  • Implement the use of firewall to limit or curb down the incoming traffic from suspicious internet sources.
  • Implement the use of an effective antivirus with smart security features in it to scan, identify and remove the viruses without tampering the system’s performance.
  • Deploy strict password policy. Implement the use of complex passwords which is difficult to identify.
  • In a corporate network, the IT admins should limit the access rights to all the users that the users have access to specific domains particularly required to complete their task.
  • Turn off the auto-play option to restrict automatic downloads of files on the network.
  • Ensure to update the software with the latest security patch fixes.
  • Educate employees to avoid opening suspicious attachments from unknown email addresses.
  • Equip your device with a robust security suite that ensures virus removal and denies interference of any suspicious file at the very beginning.


With the ever-evolving threat campaigns, users and businesses have become vulnerable to loss of data, identity theft and even have become victims of massive security breaches. It is therefore important to implement preventive measures along with a comprehensive virus protection system like Comodo Antivirus that offers future-proof features like Default Deny, auto-sandboxing, cloud-based scanning along with many other sophisticated virus removal features. Check out the official page of Comodo Antivirus to know more about the product, features and its services to stay ahead of threats.

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Ripper Virus

Object Information

  • Artificial Virus
  • Eradicated (Both compounds were used)

The Ripper Virus, also known as the Ripper Compound, was a chemical compound created by Dr. Wes Maxfield to turn Vampires into Augustine Vampires. It was created through genetic alteration, biochemical manipulation and blood-conditioning for the purpose of transforming vampires into cannibalistic, anti-vampire rippers that prey solely upon their own kind, from which it received its infamous moniker. Its prototype was modified vampire blood known as Augustine Blood, which was used to turn Jesse into an Augustine Vampire. It had been used on Damon Salvatore, with Jesse being the test subject prior to him until Jesse was killed by Elena to save Damon's life.

Damon, with help from his friend Enzo was for the most part able to control the Ripper urges by feeding on vampire blood every eight hours since any longer will result in him becoming rabid. The Ripper Virus/Ripper Compound was most recently injected into Elena Gilbert after being enhanced with werewolf toxin, making her more rabid and deadly than even Damon​​​​. With both Damon and Elena now cured of the virus, the Ripper Virus has been rendered officially extinct.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series

The Ripper Virus was effectively the culmination of Wes Maxfield's experimentation on vampires and their predatory relationship with humans. Wes believed that by affecting a fundamental change in the vampires’ feeding instincts, he could make the vampire race turn on itself, to make it so vampires only ever craved vampire blood instead of human blood, thereby safeguarding humans and making vampires their own worst enemy.

Although Wes was able to successfully transform a college student Jesse into a cannibalistic vampire, the process took weeks of exhaustive conditioning, forcing Wes to the conclusion that a faster and more economical method was needed to create more Augustine Vampires the quicker. To this end, Wes kidnapped Elena Gilbert and began experimenting on her in her father's old clinic. After draining several pints of her blood, he spent the next several hours experimenting until finally he succeeded in creating a compound that upon injection into a vampire would turn him/her into a cannibalistic ripper vampire immediately. He then tried to make Elena his patient zero for his new "Ripper Virus" but was foiled by her and Stefan. Nonetheless, Wes had succeeded and his compound was ready for further testing.

After being alerted by Sloan that Damon and Enzo were hunting him, Wes was able to turn the tables on the two vampires by allying with the Travelers, who incapacitated Damon and Enzo long enough for Wes to inject Damon with his Ripper Virus, turning Damon into a cannibalistic Ripper on the spot. Mere minutes after he woke up, Damon was immediately triggered into a feeding frenzy on another vampire being held captive by Wes, proving once and for all that the Ripper Virus was a complete success.

With the virus now coursing through his body, Damon began feeding on vampires voraciously, often ripping off their heads in the process. Meanwhile, Wes concentrated on manufacturing more of the Ripper Virus when he was suddenly contacted by Katherine who asked him to create a werewolf venom antidote to save Nadia. Wes however betrayed Katherine and instead used the werewolf venom to synthesize an even deadlier strain of the Ripper Virus, which caused even greater blood lust and near constant rabidness. Not long after its creation, Katherine injected herself and by extension Elena with the Upgraded Ripper Virus as an act of final revenge. The enhanced virus made Elena so rabid for vampire blood that she was triggered into feeding frenzy mode with seconds of merely smelling it regardless of the fact that she could have killed Stefan.

Eventually, both Damon and Elena were cured of their respective viruses by the Travelers, thereby eradicating the Ripper Virus forever.

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RIPPER malware forces ATMs to churn out cash for crooks via a malicious EMV bankcard attack.

Update This story was updated Aug. 31. A never-before-seen malware family known as RIPPER is being blamed for a rash of ATM heists in Thailand last week. The malware, found by researchers at FireEye, is responsible for the theft of 12 million baht ($378,000) from ATMs at banks across Thailand.

The discovery of the malware coincided with news reports from the Bangkok Post newspaper of ATM robberies by cybercriminals. While law enforcement agencies in Thailand have not attributed the theft to the RIPPER malware, FireEye said on Friday it believes it is the same.

The attacks “strongly suggest this piece of (RIPPER) malware is the one used to steal from the ATMs at banks in Thailand,” Daniel Regalado, senior staff malware researcher at firm, wrote in a blog post.

Attackers are able to penetrate targeted ATMs with a specially crafted EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa) chip-enabled ATM card. The card serves as an authentication mechanism that interacts with the RIPPER malware that already exists on the ATM. “Once a valid card with a malicious EMV chip is detected, RIPPER will instantiate a timer to allow a thief to control the machine,” Regalado writes. During the same ATM card session, attackers use the ATM’s pinpad display to send a combination of commands that trick the ATM into dispensing currency.

It’s unclear if the money withdrawn is from the banks in question or from a bank customer’s account. But attackers are restricted to 40 banknotes per withdrawal, limiting the amount stolen from each ATM interaction.

While RIPPER is new, the technique used by the malware has been seen before, particularly by the Skimmer family of ATM attacks, which date back to 2013. Cybercriminals have been reusing a more evolved version of the Skimmer malware, according to research released by Kaspersky Lab in May.

According to FireEye, RIPPER is different from Skimmer in the sense that it relies on a specially manufactured ATM with an EMV chip to authenticate with infected ATMs.

Analysis of RIPPER showed the malware targets three types of Windows-based ATMs. The malware first disables the ATM’s network connection and then kills the “dbackup.exe” process and replaces the original “dbackup.exe” with its own, along with other key components of the ATM software.

“RIPPER will examine the contents of directories associated with the targeted ATM vendors and will replace legitimate executables with itself. This technique allows the malware to maintain the legitimate program name to avoid suspicion,” Regalado wrote.

RIPPER maintains persistence on the ATM by adding itself to Windows’ “\Run\FwLoadPm” registry key, passing the “/autorun” parameter that is understood by the malware.

“Once the thieves start interacting with RIPPER, they enter instructions via the pinpad and multiple options are displayed, including methods for dispensing currency,” according to Regalado.

Once attackers have finished their heist, RIPPER hides itself by calling the ShowWindow GUI API. The ATM’s network stays disabled, preventing the ATM to communicate with the rest of the bank’s network.

The firm didn’t specify which ATM vendors are vulnerable to attacks but said: “This malware family can be used to compromise multiple vendor platforms and leverages uncommon technology to access physical devices.”

The Bangkok Post reported that the ATMs were made by NCR with 21 ATM attacks reported between the dates of July 9 and August 23.

On Aug. 23, 2016, FireEye detected a potentially new ATM malware sample that used some interesting techniques not seen before. To add more fuel to an existing fire, the sample was uploaded to VirusTotal from an IP address in Thailand a couple of minutes before the Bangkok Post newspaper reported the theft of 12 million baht from ATMs at banks in Thailand.

In this blog, FireEye Labs dissects this new ATM malware that we have dubbed RIPPER (due to the project name “ATMRIPPER” identified in the sample) and documents indicators that strongly suggest this piece of malware is the one used to steal from the ATMs at banks in Thailand.

  • Targets the same ATM brand.
  • The technique used to expel currency follows the same strategy (already documented) performed by the Padpin (Tyupkin), SUCEFUL and GreenDispenser.
  • Similar to SUCEFUL, it is able to control the Card Reader device to Read or Eject the card on demand.
  • Can disable the local network interface, similar to capabilities of the Padpin family.
  • Uses the “sdelete” secure deletion tool, similar to GreenDispenser, to remove forensic evidence.
  • Enforces a limit of 40 bank notes per withdrawal consistently, which is the maximum allowed by the ATM vendor.
  • It targets three of the main ATM Vendors worldwide, which is a first.
  • RIPPER interacts with the ATM by inserting a specially manufactured ATM card with an EMV chip that serves as the authentication mechanism. Although this technique was already used by the Skimmer family, it is an uncommon mechanism.

RIPPER can maintain persistence using two modes: either as standalone service or masquerading as a legitimate ATM process.

RIPPER is installed as a service if called with the following arguments:

Before creating the service, it will kill the process “dbackup.exe”, which is specific to one common ATM vendor:

cmd /c taskkill /IM dbackup.exe /T /F

Then it will replace the original dbackup.exe binary under c:\Windows\system32\ (if present) with itself.

Finally it will install a persistent service with following attributes:

RIPPER can delete the “DBackup Service” service if run with the following arguments:

RIPPER can stop or start the “DBackup Service” with the following arguments:

“service start” or “service stop”

RIPPER also supports the following command line switches:

/autorun: Will Sleep for 10 minutes and then run in the background, waiting for interaction.

/install: RIPPER will replace the ATM software running on the ATM as follows:

Upon execution, RIPPER will kill the processes running in memory for the three targeted ATM Vendors via the native Windows “taskkill” tool.

RIPPER will examine the contents of directories associated with the targeted ATM vendors and will replace legitimate executables with itself. This technique allows the malware to maintain the legitimate program name to avoid suspicion.

RIPPER will maintain persistence by adding itself to the \Run\FwLoadPm registry key (that might already exist as part of the vendor installation), passing the “/autorun” parameter that is understood by the malware, as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Registry key added for persistency

/uninstall: RIPPER removes the registry keys created

If RIPPER is executed without any parameters, it will perform the following actions:

1. It will connect with the Cash Dispenser, Card Reader and the Pinpad. Since every ATM brand has its own unique devices names, RIPPER will identify the current devices installed by enumerating them under the following registry key:

2. RIPPER will make sure the devices are available by querying their status (Figure 2), and if not available, will exit.

Figure 2: Querying the devices status via WFSGetInfo() API

3. For the Dispenser it will obtain information such as the Cash Unit details to determine the number and type of available notes.

4. Finally it starts two threads; the first of which will monitor the status of the ATM devices to make sure they are available and will read all the keystrokes received from the Pinpad device waiting to interact with the thieves (see step 7), as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Monitoring Pinpad keystrokes

5. The second thread monitors the Card Reader, and once a card is inserted it validates the EMV chip for authentication to the ATM Malware.

6. Once a valid card with a malicious EMV chip is detected, RIPPER will instantiate a timer to allow a thief to control the machine. Figure 4 depicts the timer function.

Figure 4: Monitoring the Card Reader

7. Once the thieves start interacting with RIPPER, they enter instructions via the Pinpad and multiple options are displayed, including methods for dispensing currency. Figure 5 depicts some of the options available to the thieves.

a. CLEAN LOGS: Will clear the log stored at: C:\WINDOWS\temp\clnup.dat

b. HIDE: Will hide the Malware GUI by calling ShowWindow() API.

c. NETWORK DISABLE: Will shut down the ATM local network interface to prevent it from communicating with the bank. It can re-enable the connection if needed.

Figure 5: Main Menu

d. REBOOT: Will call ExitWindowsEX() API without sending WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to avoid prompts for confirmation, causing the system to reboot.

e. BACK: Ejects the malicious ATM card back to the thieves by calling the WFSExecute() with the command: WFS_CMD_IDC_EJECT_CARD. This option, depicted in Figure 6, was observed being used by the SUCEFUL family.

Figure 6: Asking Card Reader to eject the chip card

Through open sources, we’ve identified a family of malware that may have been used in recent ATM robberies and which bears some similarities to known families of malware. This malware family can be used to compromise multiple vendor platforms and leverages uncommon technology to access physical devices. In addition to requiring technical sophistication, attacks such as that affecting the ATMs in Thailand require coordination of both the virtual and the physical. This speaks to the formidable nature of the thieves.

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You've heard of Pavlov? Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell? This compound is like that bell except instead of a ding, your body will salivate at the smell of vampire blood.