Что такое вирус hydra

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Вирусы есть везде! Даже в Windows 93. Говорите, такой операционной системы не существует, а потому и вирусов для нее нет? Вы в корне не правы.

Многие помнят загрузку в виде потока строк с информацией. (А кто помнит, что первые Windows были не операционной системой, а всего лишь операционной средой и загружались из DOS?)

Строки смутно напоминают флаг (а впрочем, сколько раз Microsoft меняла вид логотипа?).

И вот мы в Windows 93!

Сначала вирусы. Мы нашли сразу два — и оба нагло расположились на рабочем столе.

Начнем с Hydra. Смело жмем на ярлык.

Соглашаемся, нажимаем ОК — и окно начинает двоиться!

Правда, некоторые окошки выпадают. Может быть, это обещанная встроенная антивирусная защита?

Второй троянец — Dolphin, уверяющий нас, что он совсем не вирус. Честно-честно.

Ой, что это? Всё посыпалось! Но у нас есть антивирус Doctor Marburg! Запускаем.

После перезагрузки внешний вид рабочего стола восстановлен. А вот Hydra этому антивирусу не по зубам.

Если что, нас честно предупреждают:

И начинают интересоваться нашей банковской картой.

Ладно, нажимаем ОК.

Набор имеющихся в Windows 93 программ может оправдать интерес к этой системе. Но встроенный антивирус не выдерживает никакой критики, и мы рекомендуем его заменить.

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22:43:28 2019-04-01

Шалтай Александр Болтай

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Шалтай Александр Болтай

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Денисенко Павел Андреевич
12:17:27 2019-04-01

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Неуёмный Обыватель

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07:54:40 2019-04-01

Vlad X
07:42:30 2019-04-01


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07:20:35 2019-04-01

Симпатичный прикол. Привет-улыбка из "прекрасного Далёко". И на смартфоне работает. Всё по-взрослому. И кнопка "Start", и выпадающее меню. окна. ярлыки. команды.

P.S. . а вот интересно. появится ли спам-рассылка первоапрельских писем со ссылкой на страничку windows93.net. . :))

07:05:22 2019-04-01

Любитель пляжного футбола

07:00:36 2019-04-01

06:59:35 2019-04-01

06:12:00 2019-04-01


05:51:48 2019-04-01


03:44:00 2019-04-01

Hydra ransomware – malware that comes camouflaged as Mozilla Firefox

Hydra virus - ransomware that camouflages as the Mozilla Firefox process

Hydra ransomware is a cyber infection that threatens victims to delete their files if they do not meet the ransom demands. The malware attack starts with a secret infiltration process through an infected email spam attachment or a cracked piece of software that the user has downloaded from a torrenting network. Afterward, Hydra virus runs the encryption module by using a cipher such as AES or RSA [1] and targets all the data that is saved on the computer system.

Files that have been normally operating cannot be accessed properly anymore and end up with the .HYDRA appendix. Coming from the Jigsaw ransomware family, this malware displays a pop-up window that carries the ransom demands. The authors of the message say that they are interested in playing a game that includes deleting a few files the first day, a hundred the second day, and a few thousand the third day if the ransom demands are still not met.

Hydra ransomware attack starts with the modification of entries in the Windows Registry and by adding malicious processes to the Windows Task Manager section. The malware brings an executable to the system that allows to boot up its module every time when the computer is turned on. Some other features might allow the ransomware virus to scan the computer for encryptable files once in a while or even disable antivirus protection to avoid getting detected.

One of the most interest facts regarding Hydra ransomware is that it ends up on the computer as Mozilla Firefox, so you can mix it with your web browser and not know anything suspicious at first. However, when files are encrypted and the .HYDRA appendix is added, you will notice that something is wrong when you cannot properly load your files. Besides, you will also receive this ransom note in a pop-up window slightly after your data is locked with the cipher:

I want to play a game with you. Let me explain the rules:
Your personal files are being deleted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc…
But, don't worry! It will only happen if you don't comply.
However I've already encrypted your personal files, so you cannot access them.

Every hour I select some of them to delete permanently,
therefore I won't be able to access them, either.
Are you familiar with the concept of exponential growth? Let me help you out.
It starts out slowly then increases rapidly.
During the first 24 hour you will only lose a few files,
the second day a few hundred, the third day a few thousand, and so on.

If you turn off your computer or try to close me, when I start next time
you will get 1000 files deleted as a punishment.
Yes you will want me to start next time, since I am the only one that
is capable to decrypt your personal data for you.

Now, let's start and enjoy our little game together!

Bitcoin address: 1Hd3tU8MDmuVotMgGJTJ7svzvPey6bfUgm

Please, send at least 10$ worth of money here: JIGSAW3363@GMAIL.COM using PayPal.

Most of the time malicious actors urge for some type of digital currency payment such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Monero. However, Hydra ransomware developers do not seem to bother and go straight for a simple PayPal transfer. However, by asking for $10 as the ransom demand, these people risk exposing themselves for such as small price when cryptocurrency transfers ensure the anonymity of both sides and the criminals stay untrackable.

You should not agree to play the game with these criminals and not get scared because of their promised punishment to eliminate 1000 files if you turn off the computer. Also, you should avoid paying the demanded ransom price even though it is not a big amount. If you transfer the money, you will let the crooks win. Better show these people that you are not scared of them, you can defeat Hydra ransomware and you will search for alternative data recovery solutions.

Hydra ransomware is a family member of Jigsaw ransomware virus

Hydra ransomware might try to harden the file restoring process for you by eliminating the Shadow Volume Copies that are sometimes necessary for third-party data recovery software. Furthermore, the malicious infection might be programmed to damage the Windows hosts files to prevent you from accessing security-related websites. Do not forget to delete these files while dealing with the ransomware, otherwise, the access will still remain blocked.

When you see the first signs of infection that include encrypted files and the ransom note, you should hurry up and complete Hydra ransomware removal as this malware might also be programmed to bring other virtual parasites such as trojans to the Windows computer system. If the file-encrypting threat has been blocking your antivirus, you can try diminishing these malicious changes with the help of Safe Mode with Networking.

You should rely on trustworthy and expert-tested antimalware tools that will properly remove Hydra ransomware for you. If you try to complete the elimination by yourself and leave any malicious content lurking on your computer system, the ransomware might return within the next time you start your computer. Also, if you have discovered any damage related to this cyber threat, you can try repairing the corrupted areas by employing software such as Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego .

Email spam and software cracks are the best malware distributors

Criminals who develop malware such as ransomware [2] want to make sure that the infection reaches its target. For this purpose, they think of various distribution methods that might succeed. Cybersecurity specialists from NoVirus.uk [3] have discovered that ransomware viruses are often spread via email spam.

The malicious payload comes included as an attachment to the message and reaches random people some of whom fall for believing in the received email as hackers pretend to be from reliable-looking companies such as FedEx or DHL and deliver some types of “important notices” that need to be opened immediately.

If you have received an email that you are not sure about, do not hurry to believe in it. First, check if the message is coming from an official address, then, check the entire content for possible grammar mistakes. Lastly, if you have already opted for the downloading process of the attachment, do not open the file without scanning it with reputable antimalware.

Furthermore, malicious payload is also distributed through torrenting networks such as eMule, BitTorrent, and The Pirate Bay. Crooks place the infectious content instead of a game crack, [4] key generator, or as a fake setup and wait for some people to download it. Regarding this fact, get your software from well-known developers only.

The entire elimination process of Hydra ransomware and its malicious payload

Hydra ransomware might have scattered malicious content all over the Windows computer system that needs to be eliminated if you want to get rid of the malware properly. This includes cleaning infecting directories such as the Windows Task Manager, Registry, Control Panel, Desktop, and others.

Also, do not think about performing Hydra ransomware removal with the help of manual technique as this is not a possibility for such a case. The malware is a complex threat to deal with and you have to make sure that it is taken care of properly. Regarding this fact, you should employ only reliable antimalware software.

If you are having a hard time to remove Hydra ransomware from your device, boot it in Safe Mode with Networking and then try again. When the malware is completely gone, you should try searching for damaged areas with the help of SpyHunter 5 Combo Cleaner and Malwarebytes. If this software finds anything corrupted, try fixing the altered products with Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego .

Written by Tomas Meskauskas on 13 August 2019 (updated)

HYDRA ransomware removal instructions

Belonging to the Jigsaw ransomware family, HYDRA is a high-risk ransomware infection discovered by Michael Gillespie. After successfully infiltrating the system, HYDRA encrypts most stored files, rendering them unusable. In addition, HYDRA adds the ".HYDRA" extension to each filename (e.g., "sample.jpg" becomes "sample.jpg.HYDRA"). Once files are completely compromised, HYDRA opens a pop-up window with a ransom-demand message.

The delivered ransom-demand message states that data is being deleted and that victims must pay a ransom to stop the deletion process and restore encrypted files. It goes on to state that the number of deleted files will increase each day (on the first day, a few files; the second day, few hundred; the third day, a few thousand, and so on). Encrypting and deleting files is common behavior for ransomware infections from the Jigsaw family. In this case, the size of ransom is $10, which is rather low (original Jigsaw ransomware demanded $150). Ransoms can be paid using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and also PayPal. There is a high probability that a third party gained access to Jigsaw ransomware's source code and started to distribute this malware. Furthermore, using PayPal as a payment method is an amateur measure, since the owner can be tracked. Regardless of the cost, do not pay. Research shows that cyber criminals typically ignore victims after payments are submitted. Paying usually gives no positive result. Victims will lose their money and support cyber criminals' malicious businesses. Therefore, never agree to pay. Unfortunately, there are no tools capable of cracking HYDRA encryption and restoring data free of charge (at least not at time of writing). Therefore, the only solution is to restore everything from a backup, if one has been created.

Screenshot of a message encouraging users to pay a ransom to decrypt their compromised data:

HYDRA shares many similarities with Budak, Ims00ry, JSWRM, Adame, and hundreds of other ransomware-type infections. Most ransomware encrypts data so that developers can blackmail victims by offering paid recovery of their files. There are usually just two major differences: 1) size of ransom, and; 2) type of cryptography used. Unfortunately, most infections use RSA, AES, and other encryption algorithms that generate unique decryption keys, which criminals store on remote servers. Therefore, restoring data without the involvement of developers is virtually impossible. The only possible scenarios are the ransomware not being fully developed and/or having certain bugs/flaws (e.g., the key is hard-coded, stored locally, or similar). Ransomware infections present a strong case for maintaining regular backups. Bear in mind, however, that locally stored backups are compromised together with regular data. Therefore, backups should be stored on a remote servers or unplugged storage devices. Note that there is always the chance that servers/storage devices can be damaged, so have multiple backup copies stored in different locations.

Ransomware infections such as HYDRA are typically proliferated using fake software updaters and 'cracks', trojans, third party software download sources, and spam email campaigns. Most fake updaters infect computers by exploiting outdated software bugs/flaws or simply download/installing malware rather than the promised/expected updates. Cracks also have similar behavior - they inject malware rather than activating paid software free of charge. Trojans are essentially malicious applications that stealthily infiltrate computers to inject additional malware. Cyber criminals use third party download sources (peer-to-peer [P2P] networks, freeware download websites, free file hosting sites, and similar) to proliferate malware by presenting it as legitimate software. In this way, users end up manually downloading and installing malware. Finally, cyber criminals use spam email campaigns to send hundreds of thousands of emails containing malicious attachments (links/files) and messages encouraging recipients to open them. These attachments might also be presented as 'important documents' (e.g., invoices, bills, receipts, or similar). This in an attempt to give the impression of legitimacy. In summary, the main reasons for computer infections are poor knowledge of these threats and careless behavior.

Threat Summary:

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Spyhunter.
▼ Download Spyhunter
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for SpyHunter. Limited free trial available, subject to a forty eight hours waiting period.

To prevent ransomware infections, be very cautious when browsing the Internet and downloading/installing/update software. Handle all email attachments with care. Files/links received from suspicious/unrecognizable email addresses should never be opened. Attachments that are irrelevant or do not concern you should be ignored. Download apps from official sources only, preferably using direct download links. Proper software maintenance is also paramount. Keep installed programs/operating systems up-to-date, however, use only implemented functions or tools provided by the official developer. Third party downloaders/installers/updaters often include rogue apps, and thus these tools should never be used. Note that software piracy is a cyber crime. Furthermore, most cracking tools are fake and the risk of infection is very high. For these reasons, you should never attempt to activate installed applications using third party/illegal tools. Finally, have a reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware suite installed and running - these tools eliminate malware infections before they can damage the system. The key to computer safety is caution. If your computer is already infected with HYDRA, we recommend running a scan with Spyhunter for Windows to automatically eliminate this ransomware.

The appearance of HYDRA ransomware pop-up (GIF):

Text presented in HYDRA ransomware pop-up window:

I want to play a game with you. Let me explain the rules:
Your personal files are being deleted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc.
But, don't worry! It will only happen if you don't comply.
However I've already encrypted your personal files, so you cannot access them.

Every hour I select some of them to delete permanently,
therefore I won't be able to access them, either.
Are you familiar with the concept of exponential growth? Let me help you out.
It starts out slowly then increases rapidly.
During the first 24 hour you will only lose a few files,
the second day a few hundred, the third day a few thousand, and so on.

If you turn off your computer or try to close me, when I start next time
you will get 1000 files deleted as a punishment.
Yes you will want me to start next time, since I am the only one that
is capable to decrypt your personal data for you.

Now, let's start and enjoy our little game together!

Bitcoin address: 1Hd3tU8MDmuVotMgGJTJ7svzvPey6bfUgm

Please, send at least 10$ worth of money here: JIGSAW3363@GMAIL.COM using PayPal.

Screenshot of files encrypted by HYDRA (".HYDRA" extension):

HYDRA ransomware process ("Firefox" - disguised as the Mozilla Firefox web browser) in Windows Task Manager:

Instant automatic malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Spyhunter is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Spyhunter By downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for SpyHunter. Limited free trial available, subject to a forty eight hours waiting period.

Quick menu:

Step 1

Windows XP and Windows 7 users: Start your computer in Safe Mode. Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer start process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see the Windows Advanced Option menu, and then select Safe Mode with Networking from the list.

Video showing how to start Windows 7 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Windows 8 users: Start Windows 8 is Safe Mode with Networking - Go to Windows 8 Start Screen, type Advanced, in the search results select Settings. Click Advanced startup options, in the opened "General PC Settings" window, select Advanced startup. Click the "Restart now" button. Your computer will now restart into the "Advanced Startup options menu". Click the "Troubleshoot" button, and then click the "Advanced options" button. In the advanced option screen, click "Startup settings". Click the "Restart" button. Your PC will restart into the Startup Settings screen. Press F5 to boot in Safe Mode with Networking.

Video showing how to start Windows 8 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Windows 10 users: Click the Windows logo and select the Power icon. In the opened menu click "Restart" while holding "Shift" button on your keyboard. In the "choose an option" window click on the "Troubleshoot", next select "Advanced options". In the advanced options menu select "Startup Settings" and click on the "Restart" button. In the following window you should click the "F5" button on your keyboard. This will restart your operating system in safe mode with networking.

Video showing how to start Windows 10 in "Safe Mode with Networking":

Step 2

Log in to the account infected with the HYDRA virus. Start your Internet browser and download a legitimate anti-spyware program. Update the anti-spyware software and start a full system scan. Remove all entries detected.

Spyhunter checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for SpyHunter. Limited free trial available, subject to a forty eight hours waiting period.

If you cannot start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking, try performing a System Restore.

Video showing how to remove ransomware virus using "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" and "System Restore":

1. During your computer start process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, and then select Safe Mode with Command Prompt from the list and press ENTER.

2. When Command Prompt mode loads, enter the following line: cd restore and press ENTER.

3. Next, type this line: rstrui.exe and press ENTER.

4. In the opened window, click "Next".

5. Select one of the available Restore Points and click "Next" (this will restore your computer system to an earlier time and date, prior to the HYDRA ransomware virus infiltrating your PC).

6. In the opened window, click "Yes".

7. After restoring your computer to a previous date, download and scan your PC with recommended malware removal software to eliminate any remaining HYDRA ransomware files.

To restore individual files encrypted by this ransomware, try using Windows Previous Versions feature. This method is only effective if the System Restore function was enabled on an infected operating system. Note that some variants of HYDRA are known to remove Shadow Volume Copies of the files, so this method may not work on all computers.

To restore a file, right-click over it, go into Properties, and select the Previous Versions tab. If the relevant file has a Restore Point, select it and click the "Restore" button.

If you cannot start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking (or with Command Prompt), boot your computer using a rescue disk. Some variants of ransomware disable Safe Mode making its removal complicated. For this step, you require access to another computer.

To regain control of the files encrypted by HYDRA, you can also try using a program called Shadow Explorer. More information on how to use this program is available here.

To protect your computer from file encryption ransomware such as this, use reputable antivirus and anti-spyware programs. As an extra protection method, you can use programs called HitmanPro.Alert and EasySync CryptoMonitor, which artificially implant group policy objects into the registry to block rogue programs such as HYDRA ransomware.

Note that Windows 10 Fall Creators Update includes a "Controlled Folder Access" feature that blocks ransomware attempts to encrypt your files. By default, this feature automatically protects files stored in the Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, Favorites as well as Desktop folders.

Windows 10 users should install this update to protect their data from ransomware attacks. Here is more information on how to get this update and add an additional protection layer from ransomware infections.

HitmanPro.Alert CryptoGuard - detects encryption of files and neutralises any attempts without need for user-intervention:

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta uses advanced proactive technology that monitors ransomware activity and terminates it immediately - before reaching users' files:

  • The best way to avoid damage from ransomware infections is to maintain regular up-to-date backups. More information on online backup solutions and data recovery software Here.

Other tools known to remove HYDRA ransomware:

Tomas Meskauskas - expert security researcher, professional malware analyst.

PCrisk security portal is brought by a company RCS LT. Joined forces of security researchers help educate computer users about the latest online security threats. More information about the company RCS LT.

Our malware removal guides are free. However, if you want to support us you can send us a donation.

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Name HYDRA virus
Threat Type Ransomware, Crypto Virus, Files locker
Encrypted Files Extension .HYDRA
Ransom Demanding Message Pop-up window.
Ransom Amount $10
Cyber Criminal Contact jigsaw3363@gmail.com
Detection Names Avast (MSIL:JigSaw-A [Trj]), BitDefender (Generic.MSIL.Ransomware.Jigsaw.607E34D6), ESET-NOD32 (A Variant Of MSIL/Filecoder.Jigsaw.B), Kaspersky (HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic), Full List Of Detections (VirusTotal)
Rogue Process Name Firefox (this ransomware is disguised as the Mozilla Firefox web browser)
Symptoms Cannot open files stored on your computer, previously functional files now have a different extension (for example, my.docx.locked). A ransom demand message is displayed on your desktop. Cyber criminals demand payment of a ransom (usually in bitcoins) to unlock your files.
Distribution methods Infected email attachments (macros), torrent websites, malicious ads.
Damage All files are encrypted and cannot be opened without paying a ransom. Additional password-stealing trojans and malware infections can be installed together with a ransomware infection.
Malware Removal (Windows)