Language switcher 7 вирус

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06.02.2020 12:51

В Китае и странах Азии бушует эпидемия коронавируса 2019-nCoV. Число заразившихся коронавирусом в Китае уже превысило 20 тысяч человек, а число умерших от него достигло порядка 500 человек.

Еще почти 150 человек заболели вне Китая, один из них погиб. ВОЗ признала вспышку чрезвычайной ситуацией международного значения.

Власти пытаются принять все возможные меры, чтобы остановить распространения вируса. Однако зачастую новые вирусы создаются в лабораторных условиях на основе уже существующих вирусов, чтобы создать вакцины и лекарства для их лечения.

Ниже мы расскажем о вирусах и бактериях, созданных в лабораторных условиях.

Ученые из Университета Альберты создали оспу лошадей – смертельно опасный вирус, который, в отличие от оспы, не поражает людей и опасен только для лошадей.

Ученые создали этот вирус за полгода, исследования финансировались фармацевтической компанией Tonix. Образцы ДНК, необходимые для создания вируса, стоили всего около $100 000.

Как и ученые из Университета Альберты, их коллеги из Университета штата Нью-Йорк приобрели образцы ДНК для создания вируса полиомиелита. Созданный ими вирус настолько же опасен, как и его естественный аналог.

Несмотря на то, что в современном мире практически смогли искоренить полиомиелит, ученые опасаются, что вакцина все же может потребоваться, если вирус возродится.

Несколько лет назад ученые Австралийского национального университета и Государственного объединения научных и прикладных исследований (CSIRO) создали по ошибки мутацию вируса оспы. Это мышиная оспа, которая смертельно опасна для мышей.

Ученые пытались разработать препарат для контроля рождаемости мышей, однако у них получилось создать вирус, который оказался смертельно опасным и разрушил иммунную систему мышей.

Тяжелый острый респираторный синдром (SARS) – смертельно опасный вирус, из-за которого умерло 700 человек во время эпидемии в 2002-2003 годах. Всего же от вируса пострадали 8 000 человек в 29 странах мира.

Группа ученых Университета Северной Каролины под руководством доктора Ральфа Бэрика создала новую мутацию вируса, которая получила название SARS 2.0. Новый вирус был создан путем добавления протеина к SARS. SARS 2.0 устойчив к существующим вакцинам и лекарствам, которые применились против естественного вируса SARS.

Phi-X174 – еще один искусственно созданный вирус. Он был создан учеными Institute of Biological Energy Alternatives в Роквиле, штат Мэриленд, США. Ученые создали этот искусственный вирус на основе естественного вируса phiX. PhiX – это бактериофаг, то есть вирус, которые убивает бактерии. Однако он не действует на человека.

Нидерландские ученые создали мутацию смертельно опасного вируса птичьего гриппа.

Естественный птичий грипп непросто распространяется среди людей. Однако ученые сделали так, что новый мутировавший вирус легко передается от человека к человеку.

Для проведения исследований ученые использовали домашних хорьков, так как у них наблюдались те же симптомы птичьего гриппа, что и у людей.

В 1918 году в мире бушевал смертельный вирус гриппа — H1N1. В то время более 100 млн человек заразились этим вирусом, в результате которого кровь проникала в легкие. Вирус вернулся в 2009 году. Он был не такой опасный, как его предок, несмотря на то, что с тех пор он мутировал.

Ученый Йошихиро Каваока взял образцы мутировавшего вируса, который привел к эпидемии в 2009 году, и использовал их для создания более сильного штамма, устойчивого к существующим вакцинам. Этот штамм был аналогичен тому, который привел к эпидемии 1918 года.

Каваока не планировал создать более смертоносный вирус, он лишь хотел создать первоначальный вирус, чтобы изучить его получше и узнать, как он мутировал. Этот смертельный вирус хранится в лаборатории и может привести к трагедии, если выпустить его наружу.



A simple, powerful and easy to use plugin that will add multilingual support to a WordPress multisite
installation, i.e. multiple subdomains or folders (if you need to set up multiple sites across multiple domains, you’ll also want to use the WordPress MU
Domain Mapping plugin as well — as long as the domains are all hosted on the same server.).

The Multisite Language Switcher enables you to manage translations of posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags and custom taxonomies.

The plugin uses flag-icons from FamFamFam. Thanks to Mark James for his great work. In addition I would like to thank Jürgen Mayer for creating the plugin’s banner.

Thanks to all translators for their great work.

  • German (de_DE) — Dennis Ploetner
  • Italian (it_IT) — Antonella Cucinelli
  • Dutch (nl_NL) — Alexandra Kleijn
  • Brazillian Portuguese (pt_BR) — Coolweb
  • Spanish (es_ES) — Andreas Breitschopp
  • French (fr_FR) — Andreas Breitschopp
  • Russian (ru_RU) — Andrey Vystavkin
  • Ukrainian (uk) — Victor Melnichenko
  • Croatian (hr_HR) — Brankec69
  • Romanian (ro_RO) — Armand K
  • Polish (pl_PL) — Kamil Frejlich
  • Lithuanian (lt_LT) — Ovidijus Pukys
  • Catalan (ca_ES) — Joan López
  • Czech (cs_CZ) — Rastr
  • Hungarian (hu_HU) — RobiG
  • Georgian (ka_GE) — Jas Saran
  • Greek (el) — Christoforos Aivazidis
  • Serbian (sr_RS) — Web Hosting Hub
  • Turkish (tr) — Alican Cakil
  • Armenian (hy_AM) — Yeghishe Nersisyan
  • Bengali (bn_BD) — Md. Nazmul Huda
  • Japanese (ja) — ThemeBoy
  • Swedish (sv_SE) — Erik Bernskiold
  • Traditional & Simplified Chinese (zh_CN & zh_TW) — DrBenson
  • Arabic (ar) — Mohamed Elwan
  • Norwegian (nb_NO) — Ibrahim Qraiqe
  • Bulgarian (bg_BG) — Vencislav Raev
  • Mexican Spanish (es_MX) — Fernando Mata

If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send me your gettext PO and MO so that I can
bundle it into the Multisite Language Switcher. You can download the latest POT file
from here.


  • Plugin configuration

  • Список записей

  • Редактировать запись

  • Виджет


Этот плагин предоставляет 1 блок.

lloc/msls-widget-block Multisite Language Switcher


  • Download the plugin and uncompress it with your preferred unzip programme
  • Copy the entire directory in your plugin directory of your WordPress blog (/wp-content/plugins)
  • Activate the plugin in your plugin administration page (by the network administrator on all the blogs or by the root blog administrator for each particular blog).
  • You need to activate the plugin once in each blog, set the configuration in Settings -> Multisite Language Switcher

  • connect your translated pages and posts in Posts -> Edit or Page -> Edit
  • connect your translated categories and tags in Posts -> Categories or Post -> Tags
  • connect your Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies across languages
  • use the widget, the Gutenberg block, the shortcode [sc_msls] and/or a content_filter which displays a hint to the user if a translation is available
  • find also a shortcode for the widget [sc_msls_widget]
  • optionally you can place the code directly in your theme files

Часто задаваемые вопросы

But I’d like the interface to stay in English.

You can choose the language of the dashboard in the settings of your user profile.

Do I really need a multisite?

It’s up to you — of course. But yes, if you want to use the Multisite Language Switcher.

How can I automatically redirect users based on the browser language?

The Multisite Language Switcher does not redirect the users automatically. I’m not sure if the plugin should do that. You might check out this jQuery plugin or this approach with a theme
if you need such functionality.

How can I add the Multisite Language Switcher to the nav-menu of my blog?

Please check the add-on MslsMenu out.

I want to have the languages in an HTML select. How can I do that?

Please check the add-on MslsSelect out.

I don’t want to upload the same media files for every site. What can I do?

Is there a function I can call to get the language of the page the user is currently viewing?

Yes, you should use the WordPress API function get_locale() but you could also use code like that

How can I move from WPML to MSLS?

There is a plugin which comes handy in here.

As of Wednesday, April 23, more than 850,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the U.S., by far the most of any country.

The virus has quickly become the nation's most common cause of death. In the last week, at least 20,000 people in the U.S. died from COVID-19, more than the average weekly deaths from cancer, heart disease or car crashes.

Within the United States, the virus has spread rapidly amid a lack of wide-scale testing and varying levels of statewide social distancing measures . So far, fewer than 3.2 million COVID-19 tests have been administered , or 10 for every 1,000 people nationwide.

In an interview with 24/7 Wall St., Mark Seidner, associate professor of infectious diseases at Harvard University and clinician at Massachusetts General Hospital, explained that with no vaccine and no effective treatment options, "social distancing is the only intervention we have currently to stop the epidemic."

How effective is social distancing?

In the study, " Social Distancing to Slow the U.S. COVID-19 Epidemic: Interrupted Time-Series Analysis ," a preprint of a non-peer reviewed study published by Harvard infectious disease experts on April 8, statewide social distancing measures were associated with a decrease in U.S. COVID-19 growth.

"Based on the size of the epidemic at the time of implementation in each state, social distancing measures were associated with a decrease of 3,090 cases at 7 days, and 68,255 cases at 14 days, after implementation," wrote the study's researchers.

Of the eight states with no statewide stay-at-home orders, five are among the 10 states where the virus spread the fastest over the last seven days. (Here are every state's rules for staying at home and social distancing .)

According to Seidner, how well a state is testing for the virus and how effectively it is interrupting transmission of the virus by implementing social distancing are the two major factors determining the size and spread of a state's COVID-19 outbreak. These two aspects of the response also heavily depend on one another. "Social distancing relies on testing to be effective because if you don't know the rate at which the epidemic is growing or hopefully slowing, [then] you don't know when to relax it [and] you don't know when to institute it."

How effectively are states testing for COVID-19?

The states testing larger shares of their populations are reporting higher confirmed cases per resident. All five of the states with the most COVID-19 cases per capita have testing rates considerably higher than the nationwide average of 989 tests per 100,000 people.

Seidner noted that high testing rates and high confirmed cases feed one another. "The more testing you do the more cases you're going to find, but you're also much more likely to expand testing in areas you think are hot spots." (These are the states with the highest number of COVID cases .)

Seidner explained that while U.S. preparedness for the outbreak could have been much better, the wide-scale testing that is so critical to a proper epidemic response is a massive undertaking. From escalating production of testing supplies (swabs, tubes, and fluid to preserve the virus, and platforms to run the tests) to hiring extra medical staff needed to administer and process the tests to managing the retesting required in contact tracing, "you're really asking the diagnostic community to go from zero to millions in a week or two."

Population density appears to be a major factor in the spread of the virus.

Seven of the nation's most crowded states, including New Jersey with a nation-leading density of 1,021 people per square mile, are among the 10 states with the most confirmed COVID-19 cases per capita. The states with the lowest cases per capita tend to be more sparsely populated.

More recently, the growth in the numbers of confirmed cases has started to spike in some states while it has started to slow in others. In the past week, the number of cases grew by 75.1% in one state, while the seven-day percent change was as low as 5.8% growth in another.

To determine the states where the virus is growing the fastest right now, 24/7 Wall St. compiled and reviewed confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths for the seven days through April 23 from state and local health departments. States were ranked on the percent change from total cases on April 16 to total cases on April 23.

Click through the gallery above to see the states where the virus is spreading the fastest right now, ranked from slowest to fastest.

If you are a user of the operating system and are wondering what will happen to your Avast Free Antivirus or Premium Security, we have good news – and answers to your questions

You probably heard that Microsoft officially stopped support for Windows 7 on Jan. 14th 2020. If you are running the popular operating system, your computer still functions, but Microsoft will no longer provide technical support for any issues, software updates, or security updates or fixes.

“While you could continue to use your PC running Windows 7, without continued software and security updates, it will be at greater risk for viruses and malware,” Microsoft says.

In light of that security warning, you might be wondering what happened with Windows 7, what will happen to your antivirus, if Avast still works, and what you have to do. We can explain the big picture, and answer more questions below.

Yes, we have you covered and we will fully support Avast antivirus products on Windows 7.

“Worldwide, roughly 26% of PC users are still running Windows 7, the operating system (OS) that as of January 14 will no longer receive technical support in the form of updates and patches from Microsoft,” says Martin Zima, Avast senior product manager for protection products.

“According to our own research, more than a third of our PC customers have Windows 7 installed, which is largely due to ongoing preference for the product versus newer versions.”

Zima said ending technical support for Windows 7 leaves the machines on which it’s installed vulnerable to cyberattacks that seek to exploit unpatched flaws. “In the interest of our users’ security and privacy, Avast will continue to provide virus definition updates for Windows 7 for those who are unable or do not wish to make the switch to a newer version of Windows.”

How long will Avast continue support for Windows 7? For at least two years. So far we don’t foresee a speedy increase in the migration of users to the newer Windows versions, and haven’t set any hard deadline for our support.

What will happen if I purchase an Avast Premium Security license and decide to change my OS later?

You are always able to transfer your subscription. You will simply require an activation code or Avast account login credentials. You can find more information about that on our support pages.

Your questions answered

The Operating system Windows 7 was launched in July 2009 and became hugely popular. Maintaining an operating system is difficult and costly, and Microsoft prefers to focus on its latest OS, Windows 10. Thus, like any other OS, Windows 7 had its lifespan, and in January 2015 Microsoft ended mainstream support for it. That meant that there were no improvements or new features added, but it was patched for vulnerabilities and fixed for bugs, remaining a safe operating system. In January 2020, Windows ended this support as well.

Your Avast protection doesn’t change, whether you are using Avast Free Antivirus or Premium Security. Windows 7 users will still benefit from our most up-to-date protection against viruses, malware, and other threats – but please be aware that the risk of using an unsupported operating system does increase over time.

It means that with product updates you will receive the latest version of Avast and all the new features with every release, while at the same time virus definition updates help to secure you from the latest malware and security threats. By default, Avast Antivirus is set to update the virus definitions and application automatically whenever a new version is available. We strongly recommend that you keep automatic updates enabled.

The main risk of using unsupported software, including operating systems, is that it’s open to potential vulnerabilities and malware that might exploit them. Usually, when there’s a vulnerability found, Windows releases a patch (you might remember Bluekeep), it’s not going to be the case for Windows 7 anymore.

Second, the end of support for an operating system means that other software and hardware companies at some point will stop supporting it with their own programs/hardware. It won’t happen overnight – don’t worry. Google announced that it will continue supporting its Chrome browser on Windows 7 for at least 18 months.

This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.

Our next available supporter will start replying to tickets in about 7.48 hours from now. Thank you for your understanding.

This topic contains 30 replies, has 2 voices.

Assigned support staff: Tia.

In order for me to do that I will need FTP details of the live site. You provided WordPress admin details for the live site but FTP for the staging site.

I have enabled the private box.

I will backup the file that I will be working on and let you know what changes I made.

I applied the workaround but it did not work for your set up. I restored the file to the previous version. This leads me to believe that it's a configuration issue somewhere.

I noticed you are using Cloudfront and other related plugins that could possibly affect the way SSL, htaccess, javascript and apache works. I disabled & re-enabled Cloudfront and the Cache plugins to test if they were the issue. There was no change. I am not able to disable/enable your other plugins without affecting your live site so I did not touch those.

I also cleared cache which resulted in an unformatted homepage here:

Which indicates (looking in the code still points to that something is pointed wrong somewhere especially in the CSS and being cached we probably didn't notice.

One thing to note is that WPML seems to be recognizing the URL switch:

which is more evidence of a plugin conflict or configuration error.

Also, I believe you have a virus on the site. My anti-virus goes off on every page load.

So a few things to do:

- ** IMPORTANT ** Please backup a working copy of site files and database before continuing.

- Do a virus scan on the install. (either by host or WordPress plugin)

- Update all plugins to their latest versions.

- Update WordPress to the latest versions.

- Do another virus scan on the install. (either by host or WordPress plugin)

Also try again with minimal set up: no cloudfront or other cache plugins.

If this doesn't correct the SSL issue or if if you can't get the back to previous version, please let me know and I will get this escalated to 2nd Tier support to look at your configuration.

No joy I'm afraid.

You were right about the virus. I've sorted that so now we're clean. I've also updated all plugins to their latest versions (other than Visual Composer which came free with a theme hence we don't have a license) and WordPress was already up-to-date. After all this I tried disabling the cache and Cloudflare plugins but still getting the same result.

If you could escalate again it's be appreciated.

Thank you, Adam. I escalated to 2nd Tier.

Minor update: Visual Composer license now purchased so this plugin is also now up-to-date.

Hi again. Just wondering if any progress had been made? We're going to need to think of what to do if we can't get this working.

I just checked for you and they are still working on it. Unfortunately, I do not have a time frame at this time.

Has there been any progress on this?

We're waiting to launch the English version of the site and this is holding us up!

Unfortunately, they are still working on it and it could take awhile.

I would suggest using non-SSL or seeing if other domain settings (directory, etc) would work for now. If SSL is a must you might consider using two separate WordPress installs until this is fixed.

Just letting you know this issue will be fixed in the next release version of 3.2.8. I don't have an exact date for release but shouldn't be too long.

Thanks Tia, great news. Will there be a beta version that we can use to verify it's working on our system?

It doesn't look like it's available just yet. They are running some final testing. I will let you know when the beta is available.

** IMPORTANT ** Since this is a beta version, please backup a working copy of site files and database before continuing and test in a development environment.

From the changelog:

We've just been testing out the new version and it looks to work!

However, we have found a new (apparently unrelated) issue: when you click the language switcher button in the menu to go to English, it doesn't do anything.

For example, go to hidden link and click the "English" button in the top right. Nothing happens.

We've debugged it and the issue is in the JavaScript: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'xdomain_data' of undefined" on line 38 of hidden link.

The AJAX response has no data property.

Please can you investigate this? I expect it might be a general problem with version 3.3.

Thank you for reporting this back to us.

Unfortunately, I am away on vacation right now so it's probably best to open a new ticket so an available supporter can address your issue, especially since this is separate from the SSL issue.

Source: Windows Central

On Windows 10, the Windows Defender Antivirus is a free and reliable anti-malware feature designed to protect your device and data from unwanted viruses, ransomware, spyware, and many other forms of malware and even hackers. Still, while it's good enough for most users, there are situations where you may want to disable the antivirus permanently or temporarily.

For instance, when you don't feel confident about the solution. You have to perform a specific task that requires the feature to be disabled on your device. You're setting up a kiosk computer that won't connect to the network. Or you need to comply with your organization's security policies.

The only caveat is that Windows 10 doesn't include an option to uninstall or disable Windows Defender Antivirus "permanently" unless you install a third-party antivirus. However, you can still disable the built-in security feature using Group Policy or Registry, or even temporarily using the Windows Security app.

In this Windows 10 guide, we walk you through the steps to disable Windows Defender Antivirus permanently (or temporarily) on your device.

How to disable Windows Defender Antivirus using Windows Security

Before disabling the built-in security solution, if you're planning to perform a specific task, you don't need to disable Windows Defender Antivirus permanently. You only need to turn it off temporarily.

To disable the default antivirus on Windows 10 temporarily, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Windows Security and click the top result to open the app.
  3. Click on Virus & threat protection.

Under the "Virus & threat protection settings" section, click the Manage settings option.

Source: Windows Central

Disable Windows Defender by turning off the "Real-time protection" toggle switch.

Source: Windows Central

Once you complete the steps, the antivirus will disable the real-time protection, which it'll allow you to install apps or make a specific system change that you couldn't before because the security feature was blocking the action.

To enable the real-time protection again, restart your computer, or use the same instructions outlined above, but on step No. 5, make sure to turn on the "Real-time protection" toggle switch.

Of course, this isn't a permanent solution, but it's the best option to disable the Windows 10 antivirus to perform a specific task.

How to disable Windows Defender Antivirus using Group Policy

If your device is running Windows 10 Pro, you can use the Local Group Policy Editor to disable Windows Defender Antivirus permanently. However, you must first disable the Tamper Protection feature before trying to turn off the antivirus. Otherwise, the security feature will restart again automatically during the next reboot.

To disable Tamper Protection on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Windows Security and click the top result to open the app.
  3. Click on Virus & threat protection.

Under the "Virus & threat protection settings" section, click the Manage settings option.

Source: Windows Central

Turn off the Tamper Protection toggle switch.

Source: Windows Central

After you complete the steps, you can proceed to disable Windows Defender Antivirus permanently using Group Policy.

To disable Windows Defender Antivirus permanently, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for gpedit.msc and click the top result to open the Local Group Policy Editor.

Browse the following path:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus

Double-click the Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus policy.

Source: Windows Central

Select the Enabled option to disable Windows Defender Antivirus.

Source: Windows Central

  • Click the Apply button.
  • Click the OK button.
  • Restart your device.
  • Once you complete the steps, Windows 10 antivirus will be permanently disabled on the computer. However, you'll notice that the shield icon will remain in the taskbar, but this is one expected behavior because the icon is part of the Windows Security app, not from the antivirus.

    If you need to revert the changes, you can always re-enable the Windows Defender Antivirus using the same instructions outlined above, but on step No. 5, make sure to select the Not Configured option, and restart your computer to apply the changes. Also, don't forget to re-enable the "Tamper Protection" feature using the same above steps, but on step No. 5, make sure to enable the toggle switch.

    How to disable Windows Defender Antivirus using Registry

    Alternatively, if you don't have access to the Local Group Policy Editor, or you're running Windows 10 Home, you can still modify the Registry to disable the Windows Defender Antivirus permanently.

    Warning: This is a friendly reminder that editing the Registry is risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to your installation if you don't do it correctly. It's recommended to make a full backup of your PC before proceeding.

    To turn off Tamper Protection on Windows 10 before you can disable Windows Defender, use these steps:

    1. Open Start.
    2. Search for Windows Security and click the top result to open the app.
    3. Click on Virus & threat protection.

    Under the "Virus & threat protection settings" section, click the Manage settings option.

    Source: Windows Central

    Turn off the Tamper Protection toggle switch.

    Source: Windows Central

    After you complete the steps, disabling the built-in antivirus won't re-enable automatically the next time you restart your computer.

    Windows 10 includes a "TamperProtection" Registry key (located in this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features ) to control the feature, but it's not easy to modify. As a result, it's not recommended using it to disable the feature.

    To disable the Windows Defender Antivirus permanently modifying the Registry, use these steps:

    1. Open Start.
    2. Search for regedit and click the top result to open the Registry Editor.

    Browse the following path:

    Quick tip: You can now copy and paste the path in the Registry's address bar to quickly jump to the key destination.

    Right-click the Windows Defender (folder) key, select New, and click on DWORD (32-bit) Value.

    Source: Windows Central

    Double-click the newly created DWORD and change the value from 0 to 1.

    Source: Windows Central

  • Click the OK button.
  • Restart your device.
  • Once you complete the steps, the Windows Defender Antivirus will no longer protect your system against malware.

    If you want to revert the changes, you can use the same instructions outlined above, but on step No. 6, right-click the DisableAntiSpyware key and select the Delete option.

    While there are multiple methods that you can use to disable the Windows Defender Antivirus on Windows 10, we don't recommend using a computer without anti-malware software.

    However, there might be situations when disabling the security feature could be the best action. If you're installing third-party anti-malware, you don't need to disable the Windows Defender Antivirus, as it'll be disabled automatically during the installation process.

    If you don't like the Windows Defender Antivirus, you should consider these alternatives:

    For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resources:

    We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.

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    In the PC store wars, the Windows 10 Microsoft Store is a bit of an underdog. However, there are a few great titles in there.

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