Getapk market без вирусов

Play Store alternative to download free apps using GetAPK Market. Now download unlimited apps for free.

If you are an Android user then you would be aware of Google Play Store. It is an app store for Android that lets Android users download apps and games on their Android device. Google Play Store features a large collection of applications and games from different categories. Now whenever users need to download their favorite game or app, they head over to Google Play Store. But sometimes in order to download an app, you need to pay money. These apps are known as paid apps. With GetAPK Market, you can get these apps absolutely free of cost.

GetAPK Market app is an app store that features a large number of both free and paid apps. All apps available on GetAPK Market app can be downloaded absolutely free. If you are wondering how you can download GetAPK Market, then you have landed at the right place. In this post. We will discuss how GetAPK Market Download can be done.

App Name: GetAPK

File Type: APK

File Size: 1.12 MB

APP Version: 2.0.4

GetAPK Market app comes with a long list of features and options. We can’t list all features of GetAPK Market and the apps available on it in a single post. But we have compiled a list of all the popular features that attract users. Below are some of the major highlights of GetAPK Market App Download:

    • Free to download : GetAPK Market App is absolutely free. To download apps, you don’t need to pay a single penny or any sort of subscription fee.
    • Lots of apps to choose from: GetAPK Market app features a large number of applications and games. You can explore different apps and games from different categories. This is one of the main reasons why GetAPK Market App store is very popular.
  • Get Paid Apps free of cost: Have you ever wanted to download an amazing app but could not because it had a price tag on Play Store? Well, you can download that app free of cost from GetAPK Market. Just type in the name of any paid app in the search bar of GetAPK Market and download it.
  • Easy to navigate: GetAPK Market app is really simple to use. The app features a classic, simple to use interface and it’s really easy to navigate through the app store whenever you need to download an app on it.
  • Multiple sources for downloading: Were you ever unable to download an application because the server was down or any other problem? If so then you wouldn’t face such problem with GetAPK Market app. There are multiple sources to choose from and if you can’t download your favorite app from one source then you can choose another.

Above we mentioned the major features of GetAPK Market App. In addition to these features, there are many more features that the app has to offer. You would get introduced to those features when you start using the app. Let us now discuss the system requirements for GetAPK Market APK.

The system requirements of GetAPK Market App are very low. The app will easily run on any Android device that runs Android 4.1+ or above. If you want to have a look at the complete system requirements for GetAPK Market then look no further. Here are the full details:

GetAPK Market APK System Requirements

Name: GetAPK Market
Version: 2.0.4
File Size: 1.12 MB
Minimum Requirement: Android 4.1+
Get APK Market Features: Download Paid Apps absolutely free of cost.
Downloads: 111023
Last Update Time: 13 June 2017

These were the system requirements of GetAPK Market app. We hope that your device runs at least 4.1 version of Android.

Many people often have doubts on whether or not GetAPK Market app is safe. If you also wonder so then your search ends here. We love to break it to you that GetAPK Market app is completely safe to use. The app is used by a large number of users around the world and considered trustworthy. Anyway, it is now time to discuss the procedure to download and run GetAPK Market on Android.

Due to its amazing features, a lot of people want to download GetAPK Market. But as the app is not available on Google Play Store, users find it confusing as to where they should download the app. Downloading and installing the app is very easy and we have come up with the complete procedure to download it. Check out the below procedure on GetAPK Market Download for Android:

  • First of all, download the apk file of GetAPK Market app. You can download it from the link provided here..
  • Once you have downloaded the apk file form the provided link, open it. Install the app and if you get any warning message, go to your device’s security settings and allow the installation of apps from Unknown Sources.
  • After enabling the installation of apps from Unknown sources, open the app again and install it. You would not face any error while installing now.
  • Once the app is done installing, simply open it and now you will be able to download your favorite game or application.

So, this was the complete procedure to download and install GetAPK Market for Android. The procedure is quite short and simple. If you followed each and every step of the procedure, you would have the app by now. All in all, GetAPK Market is an amazing application for downloading apps and games. You are able to get a large number of both free and paid apps at a single place. What else could you want from an app store?

Anyway, if you are facing any sort of problems while installing or downloading the app then feel free to comment below. We will try to look into your doubts or queries and answer you as soon as possible.

В основном, пользователи Андроид устройств, ищут нужные приложения в фирменном магазине Гугл Плеймаркет. Помимо самих программ, вы также попадаете на постоянную рекламу, и видите много других отвлекающих факторов которые влияют на ваш выбор. Кроме этого, в Плеймаркет могут попадать некачественные игры и приложения, некоторые имеют неоправданно высокую оценку и выносятся в топ. Хорошей альтернативой фирменного магазина от Гугл является маркет Mobogenie, скачать это приложение на Андроид вы можете с нашего сайта.

Рейтинг Google Play 3,6
Разработчик Tako Team
Версия игры 2.0
Требования 2.2 и выше
Интернет Да
Русский язык Нет
Права ROOT Нет
Цена Бесплатно
Размер файла. apk 2.34 mb

Скриншоты приложения

Основные возможности

Оформление магазина Mobogenie отдаленно напоминает Плеймаркет, хотя и имеет ряд существенных отличий. Интерфейс программы представлен полностью на русском языке, поэтому проблем в использовании точно не возникнет. При поиске можно посмотреть всю необходимую информацию, включая скриншоты. В целом приложение Mobogenie достаточно простое и удобное в использовании.

При поиске любых программ и игр для Андроид в этом магазине, вы будете удивлены ассортименту, сюда попадают только качественное ПО. До скачивания вы можете посмотреть рейтинг и характеристики софта разрешения перед началом установки. Кроме этого присутствует удобное разделение приложений и игр, чтобы не тратить лишнее время на поиск.

Отличительной особенностью маркета является отсутствие платных версий приложений. Поэтому играть в игры и пользоваться софтом можно будет абсолютно бесплатно. Также на просторах сервиса вы не встретите никаких вирусов, потому что загружаемый сюда контент тщательно отбирается и проходит проверку. Помимо стандартных функций по скачиванию и установке программ, сервис предлагает и ряд других возможностей.

Помимо обычного функционала, маркет может предоставить уникальные функции — подбор бесплатных фоновых изображений и рингтонов. Раздел с мультимедийными файлами открывается простым свайпом вправо или через меню.

Вы можете скачивать картинки высокого качества, чтобы обновить ими фон рабочего экрана вашего устройства. Они находятся в отдельной вкладке маркета и удобно расположены по тематическим категориям. Пользователю доступна функция предпросмотра изображений в виде галереи и прослушивания музыки перед загрузкой на устройство. Как и рингтон, для установки новой картинки на рабочий экран потребуется сперва скачать ее в память устройства.

Магазин имеет весьма оригинальную для такого софта функцию, но она ограничена только просмотром информации и удаления установленных программ. Попасть в диспетчер приложений можно сделав несколько свайпов влево или право в окне выбора, пролистав категории магазина.

Плюсы и минусы

Подводя итоги можно рекомендовать Mobogenie как хорошую альтернативу фирменному магазину Гугл Плеймаркет. Сервис прост и удобен в использовании, не содержит рекламы, и имеет практически те же функции. Его основные достоинства:

  • Простой и удобный интерфейс.
  • Широкий выбор программ и игр для ОС Андроид.
  • Отсутствие рекламы и вирусов.
  • Только качественный контент, прошедший проверку.
  • Возможность скачивать рингтоны и картинки на телефон.

Из минусов можно выделить такие пункты:

  • Нельзя приблизить скриншоты.
  • Нет возможности прочитать комментарии к программам и играм.

Приложение занимает не много места в памяти устройства, поэтому попробовать воспользоваться ним может каждый. Скачать Mobogenie на Андроид смартфон или планшет можно с нашего сайта абсолютно бесплатно.

Из данного видео вы узнаете о возможностях программы Mobogenie для Андроид.

Have you ever felt the need of downloading an APK directly to your Android smartphone? What you usually do in such cases? You head over to a third-party website and download the APK file. Overall, this process is cumbersome as each time you require an APK file, you have to dedicate a major section of your time towards finding a website that hosts the required APK File.

You will be glad to know that you can install GetAPK Market APK on Android, iOS, and PC/Laptop. In this post, you will learn about the installation steps for each platform.

GetAPK Market Features

The developers of GetAPK Market are constantly updating the platform with new applications and games. The platform also hosts certain Android apps that are not available on the Google Play Store. Overall, you can find every Android application of your need on GetAPK Market.

Download GetAPK Market on Android

  • Please navigate to Settings -> Security and toggle on the option of ‘Unknown Sources’ prior to initiating the installation procedure of GetAPK Market on your Android Device.

  • Next, please download the GetAPK Market APK File from the link given below.

  • Wait for the APK file to download and once the download is over, tap on the GetAPK MarketAPK file to initiate the installation process.

  • Press ‘Install’ on the screen that comes up and later tap on ‘Finish’ to exit the installation window.

  • Navigate to the home screen of your Android smartphone. Launch the application from its icon. Enjoy downloading your favorite Apps and Games on your smartphone.

Download GetAPK Market App on iOS

  • You require sideloading the GetAPK Market IPA on iPhone/iPad. For that, you require downloading the IPA file of GetAPK Market on your PC/Laptop from here.

  • Next, please download and install Cydia Impactor on your PC/Laptop from (
  • Please connect your iPhone/iPad to the PC/Laptop and launch Cydia Impactor. Cydia Impactor will detect your iPhone/iPad.
  • Please drag and drop the IPA file onto Cydia Impactor. A pop-up will come up asking your Apple Developer ID. You can create a free one or a paid one for the purpose of the Apple Developer website. Enter the same in the pop-up.
  • Next, a warning might come up. Tap on OK and ignore the same. Cydia Impactor will now install the GetAPK Market IPA file on iPhone/iPad.

  • Once done, please trust the profile of GetAPK Market prior to launching the application. You can locate the icon of GetAPK Market on the home screen of the iPhone/iPad after the installation process is over. Disconnect your iPhone/iPad and enjoy it.

Download GetAPK Market for PC & Mac

  • In order to install GetAPK Market on Windows PC/MAC Computer, you require the services of an Android emulator. You can either download Bluestacks or Nox App Player for the purpose. The choice is entirely yours.
  • Download the offline setup of the emulator chosen by you from their official websites and install the same on your Windows PC/MAC Computer.
  • Next, please download the GetAPK Market APK file from here

  • Right-click on the APK and choose Open With ->Android Emulator that you have installed from the pop-up menu that comes up.

  • The emulator will pick up the APK file and install the same on your Windows PC/Laptop or MAC Computer.

  • Once the installation is over, you can launch the application from the icon present on the home screen of the Android emulator.

GetAPK Market – [FAQ Section]

  • Is it Possible to find all the Android applications on GetAPK Market

Well! Of course yes! The developers of the platform take care to provide its users with every Android app they might require. GetAPK Market is like an alternative Play Store for you with the only difference being that you download APK directly from GetAPK Market rather than installing the application.

Yes! There are no restrictions of any kind whatsoever on the downloaded APK.

No! You do not require rooting your smartphone for installing GetAPK Market.

Yes! In fact, the classic interface of GetAPK Market makes it easier to use than Play Store even. You won’t have any trouble understanding the flow of the application even when you utilize the application for the first time.

No! GetAPK Market is free to install and use from the beginning till the end. There are no hidden costs involved in this amazing platform.

GetAPK Market Unable to Install – Installation Error

If you are facing ‘Installation failed’ or other installation errors while trying to install the GetAPK Market APK on your smartphone, please quit the installation process, and delete the GetAPK Market APK file present on your smartphone. Thereafter, shut down your device and power on the same in a few minutes. Once your phone boots up, please try installing the application once again and, hopefully, this time you won’t encounter the installation error.

Is GetAPK Market Better than Google Play Store?

  • The user interface is pretty simple.
  • You can download APK files to the internal storage of your smartphone.
  • You can share the downloaded APK Files with your friends via Bluetooth etc.
  • The range of applications available on GetAPK Market is endless. You can find every Android application, absolutely free of cost, on the platform.
  • Paid Google Play Store apps are available for free on GetAPK Market.

Overall, GetAPK is a cool way to download paid and premium apps and games for free. It is clearly one of the most popular alternatives for Google Play Store. Let us know about your experience of using the GetAPK Market application on your smartphone in the comments section provided below.


  • by Ґ№ҐЭҐуҐµЎјҐЙҐкҐуҐЇ
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  • by Ґ№ҐЭҐуҐµЎјҐЙҐкҐуҐЇ
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