Что за вирус safety

В Российской Федерации проведено

более 2,1 млн исследований на коронавирус

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Чистите и дезинфицируйте поверхности, используя бытовые моющие средства.
Гигиена рук - это важная мера профилактики распространения гриппа и коронавирусной инфекции. Мытье с мылом удаляет вирусы. Если нет возможности помыть руки с мылом, пользуйтесь спиртсодержащими или дезинфицирующими салфетками.
Чистка и регулярная дезинфекция поверхностей (столов, дверных ручек, стульев, гаджетов и др.) удаляет вирусы.


Вирусы передаются от больного человека к здоровому воздушно -капельным путем (при чихании, кашле), поэтому необходимо соблюдать расстояние не менее 1,5 метра друг от друга.
Избегайте трогать руками глаза, нос или рот. Коронавирус, как и другие респираторные заболевания, распространяется этими путями.
Надевайте маску или используйте другие подручные средства защиты, чтобы уменьшить риск заболевания.
При кашле, чихании следует прикрывать рот и нос одноразовыми салфетками, которые после использования нужно выбрасывать.
Избегая излишних поездок и посещений многолюдных мест, можно уменьшить риск заболевания.


Здоровый образ жизни повышает сопротивляемость организма к инфекции. Соблюдайте здоровый режим, включая полноценный сон, потребление пищевых продуктов богатых белками, витаминами и минеральными веществами, физическую активность.


Среди прочих средств профилактики особое место занимает ношение масок, благодаря которым ограничивается распространение вируса.
Медицинские маски для защиты органов дыхания используют:
- при посещении мест массового скопления людей, поездках в общественном транспорте в период роста заболеваемости острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями;
- при уходе за больными острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями;
- при общении с лицами с признаками острой респираторной вирусной инфекции;
- при рисках инфицирования другими инфекциями, передающимися воздушно-капельным путем.


Маски могут иметь разную конструкцию. Они могут быть одноразовыми или могут применяться многократно. Есть маски, которые служат 2, 4, 6 часов. Стоимость этих масок различная, из-за различной пропитки. Но нельзя все время носить одну и ту же маску, тем самым вы можете инфицировать дважды сами себя. Какой стороной внутрь носить медицинскую маску - непринципиально.
Чтобы обезопасить себя от заражения, крайне важно правильно ее носить:
- маска должна тщательно закрепляться, плотно закрывать рот и нос, не оставляя зазоров;
- старайтесь не касаться поверхностей маски при ее снятии, если вы ее коснулись, тщательно вымойте руки с мылом или спиртовым средством;
- влажную или отсыревшую маску следует сменить на новую, сухую;
- не используйте вторично одноразовую маску;
- использованную одноразовую маску следует немедленно выбросить в отходы.
При уходе за больным, после окончания контакта с заболевшим, маску следует немедленно снять. После снятия маски необходимо незамедлительно и тщательно вымыть руки.
Маска уместна, если вы находитесь в месте массового скопления людей, в общественном транспорте, а также при уходе за больным, но она нецелесообразна на открытом воздухе.
Во время пребывания на улице полезно дышать свежим воздухом и маску надевать не стоит.
Вместе с тем, медики напоминают, что эта одиночная мера не обеспечивает полной защиты от заболевания. Кроме ношения маски необходимо соблюдать другие профилактические меры.


Оставайтесь дома и срочно обращайтесь к врачу.
Следуйте предписаниям врача, соблюдайте постельный режим и пейте как можно больше жидкости.

КАКОВЫ СИМПТОМЫ ГРИППА/КОРОНАВИРУСНОЙ ИНФЕКЦИИ высокая температура тела, озноб, головная боль, слабость, заложенность носа, кашель, затрудненное дыхание, боли в мышцах, конъюнктивит. В некоторых случаях могут быть симптомы желудочно-кишечных расстройств: тошнота, рвота, диарея.

Среди осложнений лидирует вирусная пневмония. Ухудшение состояния при вирусной пневмонии идёт быстрыми темпами, и у многих пациентов уже в течение 24 часов развивается дыхательная недостаточность, требующая немедленной респираторной поддержки с механической вентиляцией лёгких. Быстро начатое лечение способствует облегчению степени тяжести болезни.


Вызовите врача.
Выделите больному отдельную комнату в доме. Если это невозможно, соблюдайте расстояние не менее 1 метра от больного.
Ограничьте до минимума контакт между больным и близкими, особенно детьми, пожилыми людьми и лицами, страдающими хроническими заболеваниями.
Часто проветривайте помещение.
Сохраняйте чистоту, как можно чаще мойте и дезинфицируйте поверхности бытовыми моющими средствами.
Часто мойте руки с мылом.
Ухаживая за больным, прикрывайте рот и нос маской или другими защитными средствами (платком, шарфом и др.).Ухаживать за больным должен только один член семьи.

Средство проверки безопасности (Майкрософт) — это инструмент, дающий возможность проверять компьютеры с Windows на наличие вредоносных программ и удалять обнаруженные вредоносные программы. Microsoft Safety Scanner is a scan tool designed to find and remove malware from Windows computers. Просто скачайте это средство и запустите проверку, чтобы обнаружить вредоносные программы и попытаться вернуть систему в рабочее состояние, устранив изменения, сделанные выявленными вредоносными компонентами. Simply download it and run a scan to find malware and try to reverse changes made by identified threats.

С ноября 2019 года средство проверки безопасности будет использовать только подпись SHA-2. Starting November 2019, Safety Scanner will be SHA-2 signed exclusively. Для запуска средства проверки безопасности необходимо обновить устройства для поддержки SHA-2. Your devices must be updated to support SHA-2 in order to run Safety Scanner. Дополнительные сведения см. в статье Требование поддержки подписи кода SHA-2 в 2019 г. для Windows и WSUS. To learn more, see 2019 SHA-2 Code Signing Support requirement for Windows and WSUS.

Важная информация Important information

Версия обновления механизма обнаружения угроз в средстве проверки безопасности (Майкрософт) совпадает с версией, описанной на этой веб-странице. The security intelligence update version of the Microsoft Safety Scanner matches the version described in this web page.

Средство проверки безопасности выполняет проверку только при запуске в ручную. Использовать средство проверки безопасности можно только в течение 10 дней после скачивания. Safety Scanner only scans when manually triggered and is available for use 10 days after being downloaded. Рекомендуем скачивать последнюю версию этого средства перед каждой проверкой. We recommend that you always download the latest version of this tool before each scan.

Средство проверки безопасности — это переносимое исполняемое приложение, для него не создается элемент в меню "Пуск" в Windows и значок на рабочем столе. Safety scanner is a portable executable and does not appear in the Windows Start menu or as an icon on the desktop. Запомните, в какую папку вы скачали его. Note where you saved this download.

Это средство не заменяет используемый вами продукт для защиты от вредоносных программ. This tool does not replace your antimalware product. Для защиты в реальном времени с автоматическим обновлением используйте антивирусную программу "Защитник Windows" в Windows 10 и Windows 8 или Microsoft Security Essentials в Windows 7. For real-time protection with automatic updates, use Windows Defender Antivirus on Windows 10 and Windows 8 or Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows 7. Эти решения для защиты от вредоносных программ также обладают мощными возможностями по удалению вредоносных программ. These antimalware products also provide powerful malware removal capabilities. Если у вас возникают сложности с удалением вредоносных программ при использовании этих продуктов, ознакомьтесь со справкой в разделе Удаление сложных угроз. If you are having difficulties removing malware with these products, you can refer to our help on removing difficult threats.

Требования к системе System requirements

Средство проверки безопасности помогает удалять вредоносные программы с компьютеров под управлением операционных систем Windows 10, Windows 10 Tech Preview, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server Tech Preview, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2 и Windows Server 2008. Safety Scanner helps remove malicious software from computers running Windows 10, Windows 10 Tech Preview, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server Tech Preview, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008. См. политику жизненного цикла Майкрософт. Please refer to the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy.

Запуск проверки How to run a scan

  1. Скачайте это средство и откройте его. Download this tool and open it.
  2. Выберите нужный тип проверки и запустите проверку. Select the type of scan you want run and start the scan.
  3. Просмотрите результаты проверки, показанные на экране. Review the scan results displayed on screen. Подробные результаты обнаружения находятся в файле %SYSTEMROOT%\debug\msert.log. For detailed detection results, view the log at %SYSTEMROOT%\debug\msert.log.

Чтобы удалить это средство, удалите его исполняемый файл (по умолчанию это msert.exe). To remove this tool, delete the executable file (msert.exe by default).

Дополнительные сведения о средстве проверки безопасности см. в статье Устранение неполадок с помощью средства проверки безопасности. For more information about the Safety Scanner, see the support article on how to troubleshoot problems using Safety Scanner.

  • The coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China has spread to 37 other countries.
  • More than 70 airlines have canceled flights to China, and several countries have imposed their own travel restrictions.
  • Health experts recommend a few precautions to protect yourself while traveling.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

A coronavirus outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, has killed over 2,700 people and infected more than 80,000.

The disease has spread to at least 37 other countries.

The coronavirus family is a large group of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tract. They can cause the common cold, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which resulted in 8,000 cases and 774 deaths in China from November 2002 to July 2003. Authorities suspect this new coronavirus jumped from animals to people at a seafood market, then humans started transmitting the virus to one other.

More than 70 airlines have canceled flights to China in response to the outbreak, and several countries have imposed travel restrictions on flights to and from China.

"Travel spreads this kind of virus like wildfire," Adrian Hyzler, the chief medical officer at Healix International, which offers risk-management solutions for global travelers, told Business Insider.

Here's how to stay safe while flying.

The virus started to spread across Asia before it reached the US and Europe.

As of February 25, South Korea has 977 cases, Japan has 190, and Singapore has 90. Outside of Asia, Italy and Iran have the most cases: 283 and 95 respectively, followed by the US with 53 cases and Germany with 16 cases. Italy has placed 12 towns in the northern provinces of Lombardy and Veneto under lockdown to contain the outbreak.

Travelers should avoid close contact with people who are sick — particularly those with cold symptoms.

People who contracted the Wuhan virus have reported symptoms including a fever, chills, headaches, difficulty breathing, and a sore throat.

Travelers should try to avoid contact with people who display symptoms similar to those of pneumonia or the common cold, such as coughing or runny noses.

Travelers should wash their hands frequently with soap and water, making sure to scrub for at least 20 seconds, the CDC says. Avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

There are no vaccines to protect humans from contracting a coronavirus.

"There is no cure for this virus," Hyzler said.

Wearing a mask isn't particularly helpful, according to Eric Toner, a senior scientist at Johns Hopkins University.

Many people in China have purchased face masks, which have reportedly sold out at some stores.

"There's little harm in it," Toner told Business Insider. "But wearing masks, except in the situation of a healthcare provider, has never been shown to be a very effective way to protect yourself from infectious diseases."

Travelers in any part of the world should steer clear of markets that sell live animals.

Scientists think the outbreak might have started at a Wuhan seafood market where live animals were sold. So far, evidence suggests it likely spread from bats to a mammal — potentially pigs or civets — before jumping to people. A direct hop from bats is also possible.

The virus that caused SARS originated in Chinese horseshoe bats.

"Ever since SARS, there have been calls for improving or closing down the live-animal markets in China," Toner said. "There's an awful lot we don't yet know, but it is fair to say that live-animal markets are a threat not just to the people who work in them, but to public health more generally."

China announced Monday that it will permanently ban the trade of live animals.

Several countries, including the US, have evacuated citizens and employees from China.

All of Wuhan's public transportation — including buses, metros, ferries, and trains — were shut down on January 23. Trains and airplanes coming in and out of the city were halted and roadblocks were installed to keep taxis and private cars from exiting.

Wuhan's 11 million residents have been told not to leave the city, barring special circumstances.

The US government has evacuated over 800 citizens and lawful permanent residents from Wuhan, all of whom have been placed under a mandatory two-week quarantine at US military bases.

Many other countries — including Australia, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Turkey, and the UK — have evacuated citizens from the Hubei province as well.

Hotel giants such as Hilton and Wyndham have temporarily closed branches in China.

Wyndham has closed over 1,000 hotels in China — about 70% of its branches in the country —and Hilton has shuttered 150, making up more than 60% of the chain's China hotels.

Tourist attractions throughout China have also closed.

Shanghai Disneyland closed on January 25 without saying when it would reopen. The announcement came at a time of peak spending at the park, which has said it will refund tickets.

The Badaling section of the Great Wall of China temporarily closed as well.

The CDC is warning US travelers against visiting five countries affected by the virus.

The CDC and state department have issued travel advisories for China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Iran, and Hong Kong. China and South Korea are currently "Level 3" advisories (meaning US residents should avoid all nonessential travel); Japan, Italy, and Iran are "Level 2" (meaning travelers should practice enhanced precautions); and Hong Kong is "Level 1" (suggesting visitors take usual precautions).

Twenty US airports are screening passengers for the virus.

The airports include New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, and Chicago O'Hare International Airport. Airports in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea, among other countries, are also screening passengers for fever.

"Screening is a very imperfect tool, but it's the only tool we have to try and prevent the importation of a disease," Toner said.

If you do become ill after traveling to or within China, report your symptoms to a health authority right away.

Toner said people who have been ill and visited China recently should tell a doctor about their travel history.

"I think they're doing the right things," Toner said of the Chinese government's response. "They are screening for patients or passengers that are coming in. They are trying to educate them to make sure they get care. They're trying to isolate them as soon as they start getting sick. These are the things that prevent a transmission."

What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that are common and are typically associated with mild illnesses, similar to the common cold.

A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.В The severe diseases have included:

  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) (first reported in 2012, all cases have been linked to countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula)
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)

Currently a coronavirus has been identified in China (Wuhan City), and was initially known as 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The case was reported on December 31st, 2019, and confirmation of the coronavirus identification occurred on January 7th, 2020. Formally, the disease is now known as coronavirus disease or COVID-19. The virus causing the disease is known as "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2).

What is the current status of the coronavirus?

This document will discuss general precautions a workplace can take to help lower the spread of coronaviruses. For updates on the COVID-19 situation, please see:

  • in Canada: Government of Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) - Coronavirus disease (COVID 2019): Outbreak update
  • the USA: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • for world reports: World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

What can a workplace do?

Workplaces should have a policy in place that outlines their requirements when people may be sick or absent to care for others.В This policy should indicate how to notify the workplace, and if there is a requirement for a doctor's note and when. Organizations may wish to suspend the need for a doctor's or medical note for the absence to reduce the burden on the health care system.

Monitor the situation by visiting the organizations listed above for more information.

Workplaces can help by having an infection control plan which may include details such as:

  • Providing clean hand washing facilities.
  • Offering alcohol-based hand sanitizers when regular facilities are not available (or to people on the road).
  • Cleaning objects that are touched frequently, such as doorknobs, handles, railings, kettles, etc. more often with household disinfectants or bleach solution (5 millilitres (mL) of (5%) bleach per 250 mL of water
  • Providing boxes of tissues and encourage their use.
  • Reminding staff to not share cups, glasses, dishes and cutlery. Be sure dishes are washed in soap and water after use.
  • Removing magazines and papers from waiting areas or common rooms (such as tea rooms and kitchens).
  • Making sure ventilation systems are working properly.
  • Cleaning a person's workstation or other areas where they have been if a person has been suspected or identified with an infection
  • Using social distancing techniques, such as using telephone, video conferencing, or the internet to conduct as much business as possible (including within the same building), allow employees to work from home, or to work flexible hours to avoid peak public transportation times or crowding the workplace.

How does a coronavirus spread?

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they usually begin in animals. В While rare, coronaviruses can evolve to infect people. В For example, investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans, and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels to humans.

In some cases, the coronavirus can evolve further and spread from person-to-person. The route of transmission is not always known, but the viruses are generally thought to spread by respiratory droplets when people are in close contact.

What is meant by “close contact”?

Generally speaking, examples of close contact include:

  • Having cared for or lived with a person known to have the virus, including being within 2 metres (6 feet) or within the room or care area of a patient with the virus without wearing personal protective equipment
  • Direct contact with droplets from coughing or sneezing by someone affected by the virus
  • When a person touches a surface contaminated with infectious fluids and then touches their mouth, nose, or eyes

What are symptoms of infection from coronavirus?

Each coronavirus will vary in the severity of infection it causes.В Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, respiratory issues, kidney failure, and sometimes death.

COVID 2019 presents with fever and symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g., cough or difficulty breathing). Identification for SARS-CoV-2 is made through tests as well as patient history (especially recent travel).

Which occupations are at risk?

People caring for individuals with COVID 2019 are at the greatest risk for contracting the disease such as health care workers in acute care hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, mental health hospitals, long term care facilities, emergency departments, and others who work close to their clients or patients.

Persons living with individuals with COVID 2019 may also be at risk for contracting the disease.

What are the recommendations to prevent transmission of a coronavirus?

Standard recommendations from the World Health Organization to the public to prevent the spread of infection include:

  • Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
  • When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider
  • When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces that have been in contact with animals
  • The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices

The general guidelines for public and most workplaces (non-healthcare) are outlined in the following documents:

Know the appropriate procedures for general sanitation and infection control, and how to work safely with hazardous products, including bleach.

If using gloves when cleaning, always wear the appropriate type of glove for the product you are using. The appropriate type of glove material will be listed on that product's safety data sheet (SDS). If this information is missing, contact the supplier or manufacturer of the product. Manufacturers of chemical protective gloves and clothing may also assist their customers in making appropriate choices.

For health care workplaces, the following precautions should help prevent transmission. In addition, check with organizations such as Health Canada, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) who will be monitoring any new situation, and will include specific infection control guidance for workers at risk as the information becomes available.

“In addition to the consistent application of routine practices, follow contact and droplet precautions. This [procedure] includes the appropriate selection and use of all of the following personal protective equipment (PPE):

  • Gloves
  • A long-sleeved gown
  • Facial protection, such as surgical/procedural mask and eye protection, face shield, or surgical/procedural mask with visor attachment.
  • An N95 respirator (plus eye protection) should be used when performing aerosol-generating medical procedures (AGMPs) on a person under investigation (PUI) for COVID 2019.

Hand hygiene should be performed whenever indicated, paying particularly attention to during and after removal of PPE, and after leaving the patient care environment.”

Note that no single respirator or any type of personal protective equipment (PPE) can be expected to provide protection against all types of hazards. Be sure you are wearing the correct PPE for the task.В If PPE is used, it should be managed as part of a complete PPE program which will include selection, fitting, training, inspection, use, cleaning, maintenance, and storage as appropriate.

The following are practices that can be used in healthcare or similar workplaces.В In all cases, follow the recommendations of your workplace as there may be considerations specific to a situation that require other practices.

Hand Hygiene

Use of alcohol-based hand rub at the point-of-care as the preferred method for hand hygiene in all healthcare settings unless certain exceptions apply.В Hands must be cleaned before and after contact with a patient, after contact with body fluids, and after contact with items known to be contaminated with respiratory secretions.

Disposable Gloves

Gloves should be used as an additional measure, not as a substitute for hand washing. Gloves must be put on before contact with the patient and they should be removed and hands washed before leaving the patient's room.


Long sleeved gowns should be worn by all health care workers if direct contact with the patient is anticipated.

Respirators / Masks

Respirators used in health care settings should be selected according to the efficiency of respirator filters in its ability to filter aerosols and according to the type of procedure to be carried out.

As stated in the Canadian Biosafety Handbook, Second Edition, "Where applicable, respiratory protection should conform to standard CSA Z94.4, Selection, Use and Care of Respirators" and "Using the wrong respirator or misusing one can be as dangerous as not wearing one at all."

A common respirator used in health care facilities is the N95 disposable respirator. N95 filters belong to a group of respirators that contain air purifying particulate filters. В N95 type respirators are recommended by the Government of Canada and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for use by health care workers in contact with patients with infections that are transmitted from inhaling airborne droplets (e.g., tuberculosis (TB), and are also recommended for health care staff working with patients having or suspected of having a severe coronavirus).

In comparison, surgical masks, while not a respirator by definition, can be effective barriers for retaining large droplets which can be released from the wearer through talking, coughing, or sneezing. The mask must cover the user's mouth and nose. However, surgical masks are not designed to protect the wearer by filtering or blocking very small particles in the air. В

It is important to understand the benefits and limitations of each type or respirator or mask. В Respirators must be fitted to the face appropriately for a good seal to be effective.В For more information, please see:

After handling a used respirator or mask, wash your hands immediately.

Eye / Face Protection

Eye protection, face shields (with safety glasses or goggles), and/or visors are recommended for health care workers where there is a potential for splattering or spraying of blood or other body fluids.


If recommended at your workplace, dispose of used shoe covers in appropriate waste bin.В Do not reuse shoe covers.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

In many cases, regular detergents or cleaning solutions can be used to clean the items, utensils, bedding and clothing that have been in contact with an infected patient. В В Items that are regularly touched such as doorknobs, handles, and bed rails should be cleaned more often.

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Awarded by independent experts

Your Mac is not immune to threats — yet.
Our free Mac antivirus protects on 3 fronts.

Malware isn’t the only threat to your Mac. Malicious websites and vulnerable Wi-Fi networks can also jeopardize your safety. Avast Security provides essential free protection against all 3 threats, and our new Premium version goes the extra mile to expose Wi-Fi intruders and stop ransomware.

Malware can’t hide from us

Your macOS might stop some malware variants, but it can’t help you if you’re already infected. Our antivirus for Mac not only blocks viruses, spyware, Trojans, and other malware in real-time, it also scans your entire Mac for already-hidden threats.

See all anti-malware features

Runs silently in the background to block threats as they appear.

Stops both Mac and Windows threats to prevent you from sharing infected files with your friends who use PCs.

Run an in-depth scan of your entire Mac to root out hidden malware.

Scan any external drives (CD, DVD, USB, etc.) attached to your Mac.

Select specific files or folders for faster, targeted scans.

Schedule scans for when you’re sleeping or away from your Mac.

Stay informed with personalized security reports every 30 days.

Receive security updates and new features automatically.

Browse and email all day. You’re protected

Even trusted websites can get hacked, and criminals can easily spoof emails from your friends or bank. Avast Security alerts you to unsafe websites, blocks unsafe downloads, stops dangerous email attachments, and prevents intrusive web tracking.

See all online security features

Blocks dangerous downloads, and prevents malicious websites from injecting malware onto your Mac.

Prevents you from sending and receiving malicious email attachments.

Warns you of unsafe websites, blocks intrusive ad tracking, and safely redirects you to correct sites if you mistype an address. (Available as an optional browser extension)

Expose the weakest link in your Wi-Fi network

An unsecured Wi-Fi network is an open door to threats. Avast Security scans your entire network and all connected devices for vulnerabilities to help you stop hackers from stealing your personal data.

Need premium Mac antivirus protection?
Say hello to Avast Premium Security .

Avast Premium Security includes all the malware-crushing moves of its free little brother, along with premium defenses against Wi-Fi intruders and ransomware.

Catch Wi-Fi intruders in the act

Avast Premium Security instantly alerts you when someone joins your Wi-Fi network. This helps you keep hackers out, and stops neighbors from bringing your network to a crawl with their unwelcome video streaming.

Stop ransomware cold

Avast Premium Security walls off your photos and files from ransomware attacks to ensure that your most personal memories cannot be encrypted — or changed in any way — without your permission.

Block viruses and other malware Detect viruses, ransomware, and other threats in real-time. yes yes Stay safer online Be warned of unsafe sites and block intrusive web trackers. yes yes Scan for Wi-Fi security weaknesses Expose weaknesses in your router and connected devices. yes yes Get real-time Wi-Fi security alerts Be instantly alerted to network weaknesses and intruders. yes Stop ransomware Keep personal photos and files safe from unwanted changes. yes FREE DOWNLOAD Buy now

We’re not demanding. All you need is a Mac running macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) or later with at least 500 MB of disk space.

An Internet connection is also required for automatic security updates.

Avast Security for Mac

Think different about Mac security

30-day money-back guarantee

Avast recommends using
the FREE Chrome™ internet browser.

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