Bonzi buddy это вирус

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BonziBUDDY, sometimes spelled Bonzi Buddy, Bonzibuddy, BonziBuddy, or BONZIBuddy, (misspelled Bonzai Buddy) was an on-screen famous "intelligent software agent" on Microsoft Windows from BONZI or Bonzi Software that was generally reported as malware, released in 1999 and discontinued in 2004 with only around seven versions ever released. The official website stated it would help a person explore the Internet through various functions along with their own sidekick. It first surfaced as a green talking parrot named Peedy, before taking the form of an animated purple gorilla that resided on a user's desktop and communicated through the employment of Microsoft Agent technology.

BonziBUDDY received wide recognition as trojan, predominantly as a piece of adware, though claims of spyware capabilities have been made against it. [1] It is also a PUP.

BonziBuddy may be known as an annoying and useless desktop helper.


The software used Microsoft Agent technology similar to Office Assistant, [2] and originally sported Peedy, a green parrot character, before it became the purple ape. The software "interacts with users while they are online, providing shopping advice, jokes, and trivia." [3]

When Bonzi the Purple Gorilla was about to be released in the next version (After Peedy's last version), Peedy would ask the user if they'd like to meet a new buddy of theirs. Then began the usage of Bonzi, the purple gorilla.

At one point, the official website for the application said this about it:

He will explore the Internet with you as your very own friend and sidekick! He can talk, walk, joke, browse, search, e-mail, and download like no other friend you've ever had! He even has the ability to compare prices on the products you love and help you save money! Best of all, he's FREE!

The initial program was free. But most functions in the free version were only samples or demos that would urge people to pay for modules to extend the functionality. For example, Bonzi told jokes and sang songs, but to go beyond a few jokes and songs (about half a dozen) users were urged to purchase joke or song modules.

BonziBUDDY works best on Windows XP or below. While the program still works in Windows Vista SP1, his speech glitches to the default sound of the computer in said operating systems, causing him to speak weirdly and maybe cause him to skip words expect on Peedy. His sprite background also glitches on Windows 10 so it is no longer transparent but it creates a solid-colored cyan space around Bonzi and Peedy due to it being unsupported expect on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. However, this can be fixed using compatibility mode on the executable and setting it to Windows XP or below.


The software became popular in late 2013 due to a livestream released by Vinesauce Joel, a member of the popular gaming group Vinesauce, who made a stream called "Windows XP Destruction" involving releasing Bonzi into a Windows XP virtual machine to cause chaos amongst a host of other viruses and adware. However, Bonzi tended to do little except occasionally provide stale jokes and greet Joel. Vinesauce Joel also made a "Windows 7 Destruction" video showcasing BonziBUDDY. This is because BonziBUDDY's website has been inactive for several years, and their connections to the adware providers have been lost, meaning that for the most part, BonziBUDDY is now benign.

In another stream by Joel, one in which he attempts to destroy Windows Vista, he downloaded and ran a trojan titled "Bonzify", which acts in a similar manner to another trojan known as MEMZ, except with Bonzi Buddy attempting to destroy the PC with an injection of his "code", making everything Bonzi Buddy themed.

Vinesauce Joel also seems to think of Microsoft Cortana as a less-malicious version of BonziBUDDY, as stated in his "Windows 10 Destruction" video.


In April 2007, readers of the online computer news website PCWorld voted Bonzi Buddy 6th on a list of "The Top 10 Most Annoying Tech Products". One reader is quoted as criticizing the program because it "kept popping up and obscuring things you needed to see." [4]

One of the last newspapers to write about BonziBUDDY while it was still in distribution described it as spyware and a "scourge of the Internet". [5] Another article found in 2006 on the BusinessWeek website described BonziBUDDY as "the unbelievably annoying spyware trojan". [6]

Spyware Guide's entry on the program states that it is adware. [8]

Antivirus company Trend Micro classifies the software as adware in their spyware/grayware listings, but not malware. [9] [10]

Antivirus company Symantec states that BonziBUDDY may collect usage statistics when certain keywords are typed in the browser. Although Symantec refers to Bonzi as adware, such behavior is typical for spyware. [11]


There were two legal cases involving the software. reported the settlement of a class action suit on May 27, 2003. Originally brought against Bonzi Software on December 4, 2002, the suit accused Bonzi of using its banner advertisements to deceptively imitate Windows computer alerts, alerting the user that their IP Address is being broadcast. In the settlement, Bonzi agreed to modify their ads so that they looked less like a Windows dialogue box and to make them appear more like advertisements. [12] [13]

  • On February 18, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission released a statement indicating that Bonzi Software, Inc. was ordered to pay $75,000 in fees, among other aspects, for violating the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act by collecting personal information from children under the age of 9 with BonziBUDDY. [3]
  • Prior to the adware take down, BonziBUDDY was hated for years, people have said this was an annoying download. As the adware has been down for years, this is now considered a favorite harmless malware by many.

Что такое Bonzi Buddy

Скачать утилиту для удаления Bonzi Buddy

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Bonzi Buddy



Win32 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven, Windows 8)

Bonzi Buddy копирует свои файл(ы) на ваш жёсткий диск. Типичное имя файла taskmgs.exe . Потом он создаёт ключ автозагрузки в реестре с именем Bonzi Buddy и значением taskmgs.exe . Вы также можете найти его в списке процессов с именем taskmgs.exe или Bonzi Buddy.

Если у вас есть дополнительные вопросы касательно Bonzi Buddy, пожалуйста, заполните эту форму и мы вскоре свяжемся с вами.

Скачать утилиту для удаления

Скачайте эту программу и удалите Bonzi Buddy and taskmgs.exe (закачка начнется автоматически):

* SpyHunter был разработан американской компанией EnigmaSoftware и способен удалить удалить Bonzi Buddy в автоматическом режиме. Программа тестировалась на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 и Windows 8.


Удаляет все файлы, созданные Bonzi Buddy.

Удаляет все записи реестра, созданные Bonzi Buddy.

Программа способна защищать файлы и настройки от вредоносного кода.

Программа может исправить проблемы с браузером и защищает настройки браузера.

Удаление гарантированно - если не справился SpyHunter предоставляется бесплатная поддержка.

Антивирусная поддержка в режиме 24/7 входит в комплект поставки.

Скачайте утилиту для удаления Bonzi Buddy от российской компании Security Stronghold

Если вы не уверены какие файлы удалять, используйте нашу программу Утилиту для удаления Bonzi Buddy.. Утилита для удаления Bonzi Buddy найдет и полностью удалит Bonzi Buddy и все проблемы связанные с вирусом Bonzi Buddy. Быстрая, легкая в использовании утилита для удаления Bonzi Buddy защитит ваш компьютер от угрозы Bonzi Buddy которая вредит вашему компьютеру и нарушает вашу частную жизнь. Утилита для удаления Bonzi Buddy сканирует ваши жесткие диски и реестр и удаляет любое проявление Bonzi Buddy. Обычное антивирусное ПО бессильно против вредоносных таких программ, как Bonzi Buddy. Скачать эту упрощенное средство удаления специально разработанное для решения проблем с Bonzi Buddy и taskmgs.exe (закачка начнется автоматически):


Удаляет все файлы, созданные Bonzi Buddy.

Удаляет все записи реестра, созданные Bonzi Buddy.

Программа может исправить проблемы с браузером.

Иммунизирует систему.

Удаление гарантированно - если Утилита не справилась предоставляется бесплатная поддержка.

Антивирусная поддержка в режиме 24/7 через систему GoToAssist входит в комплект поставки.

Оставьте подробное описание вашей проблемы с Bonzi Buddy в разделе Техническая поддержка. Наша служба поддержки свяжется с вами и предоставит вам пошаговое решение проблемы с Bonzi Buddy. Пожалуйста, опишите вашу проблему как можно точнее. Это поможет нам предоставит вам наиболее эффективный метод удаления Bonzi Buddy.

Эта проблема может быть решена вручную, путём удаления ключей реестра и файлов связанных с Bonzi Buddy, удалением его из списка автозагрузки и де-регистрацией всех связанных DLL файлов. Кроме того, отсутствующие DLL файлы должны быть восстановлены из дистрибутива ОС если они были повреждены Bonzi Buddy.

Чтобы избавиться от Bonzi Buddy, вам необходимо:

1. Завершить следующие процессы и удалить соответствующие файлы:

Предупреждение: вам необходимо удалить только файлы, контольные суммы которых, находятся в списке вредоносных. В вашей системе могут быть нужные файлы с такими же именами. Мы рекомендуем использовать Утилиту для удаления Bonzi Buddy для безопасного решения проблемы.

2. Удалите следующие папки:

3. Удалите следующие ключи и\или значения ключей реестра:

Предупреждение: Если указаны значения ключей реестра, вы должны удалить только указанные значения и оставить сами ключи нетронутыми. Мы рекомендуем использовать Утилиту для удаления Bonzi Buddy для безопасного решения проблемы.

Как предотвратить заражение рекламным ПО? Мы рекомендуем использовать Adguard:

4. Сбросить настройки браузеров

Bonzi Buddy иногда может влиять на настройки вашего браузера, например подменять поиск и домашнюю страницу. Мы рекомендуем вам использовать бесплатную функцию "Сбросить настройки браузеров" в "Инструментах" в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool для сброса настроек всех браузеров разом. Учтите, что перед этим вам надо удалить все файлы, папки и ключи реестра принадлежащие Bonzi Buddy. Для сброса настроек браузеров вручную используйте данную инструкцию:

Если вы используете Windows XP, кликните Пуск, и Открыть. Введите следующее в поле Открыть без кавычек и нажмите Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

Если вы используете Windows 7 или Windows Vista, кликните Пуск. Введите следующее в поле Искать без кавычек и нажмите Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

Выберите вкладку Дополнительно

Выберите галочку Удалить личные настройки для удаления истории, восстановления поиска и домашней страницы.

Предупреждение: В случае если это не сработает используйте бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

Для Google Chrome

Найдите папку установки Google Chrome по адресу: C:\Users\"имя пользователя"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data.

В папке User Data, найдите файл Default и переименуйте его в DefaultBackup.

Запустите Google Chrome и будет создан новый файл Default.

Настройки Google Chrome сброшены

Предупреждение: В случае если это не сработает используйте бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

Для Mozilla Firefox

В меню выберите Помощь > Информация для решения проблем.

Кликните кнопку Сбросить Firefox.

После того, как Firefox завершит, он покажет окно и создаст папку на рабочем столе. Нажмите Завершить.

Предупреждение: Так вы потеряте выши пароли! Рекомендуем использовать бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

If you had a computer in the early 2000s and didn’t have a ton of common sense (or proper antivirus software), you probably ended up with an allegedly helpful purple ape named BonziBuddy crowding your desktop. He could talk, tell jokes, “sing,” and generally annoy you. He promised to help you use the internet, but mostly he just got in the way.

If you aren’t familiar with BonziBuddy, that probably sounds pretty weird to you…but the backstory behind this weird relic of the aughts is even stranger than the monkey himself.

Where Do Purple Monkeys Come From?

In today’s world, virtual assistants seem normal. Alexa, Siri, Google, and even Cortana are household names, and we just sort of accepted the idea that a disembodied, vaguely human-sounding voice can help us do routine tasks. That much at least makes some sense to us now, but who in their right mind would think that you’d want a purple cartoon monkey to help you use the internet in 1999?

To answer that question, we have to go back to find another familiar face from the past: Clippy. As part of the Office 97 release, Microsoft introduced Office Assistant, an animated character that would pop up to help you do things as you worked. The default skin for Office Assistant was Clippit (commonly shortened to Clippy), a paper clip with googly eyes and a penchant for bothering you as soon as you started working on a document.

Microsoft designed this assistant feature after “tragically misunderstanding” a Stanford University study that observed humans emotionally respond to computers the same way they respond to people. In Microsoft’s collective mind, this meant they should start putting faces and voices on their screens, so people would enjoy using their computer more. It didn’t exactly work.

Clippy was built on a technology called Microsoft Agent. Agent itself was derived from code that was first introduced in Microsoft Bob (to give you an idea of how deep this bad idea rabbit hole goes). Microsoft Agent allowed third-party developers to add their own assistants to their applications. These assistants could talk, answer voice commands, and perform actions on a user’s behalf. The company even created four default characters that developers could choose from: Merlin the Wizard, Robby the Robot, Genie the Genie, and Peedy the Parrot. The Microsoft Office team decided to make their own character when they created Clippy, rather than use one of the defaults. Microsoft also created a separate character based on the help icon to walk you through Windows XP’s installation process.

While Microsoft never used any of its generic characters internally, Peedy the Parrot would find a home outside the company. Third-party developer BONZI Software used Peedy as the first version of its standalone helper program “BonziBUDDY.” Microsoft had intended these assistants to be bundled with other programs, but Bonzi’s assistant was designed to help with everything. It would sit on your desktop all the time, talk to you every once in a while, and you could ask it to do things like…well, frankly, it wasn’t that useful, but it sure was fun to hear it talk.

After a couple iterations of the program, Bonzi decided that they didn’t want to just use the generic character that anyone could use. The company created their own cartoon character that was somehow sillier than a talking green parrot: a talking purple monkey. While any developer could include Peedy in their programs, only Bonzi had their trademark monkey. Looking back, sure it didn’t make much sense to create a purple ape assistant from whole cloth, but perhaps Bonzi’s biggest sin (so far in the story, anyway), was reskinning Microsoft’s bad decisions.

Bonzi, Tell Me a Joke

BonziBuddy may have essentially been a worse version of Clippy, but it had one thing going for it that Clippy didn’t have: It wasn’t tied to office software. Or any application for that matter. This meant that anyone from eight year olds to their grandmothers could download the “cute purple monkey” and play with it just for fun. BonziBuddy was free, so there seemed to be no harm in downloading it. This is also how many young people learned not to download things just because they’re free.

Bonzi’s speech engine (part of the Microsoft Agent suite), was a huge novelty around the time it was released in 1999. While speech synthesizers existed well before that, most people didn’t have a user-friendly way to play with them. Bonzi would occasionally speak up to share a lame joke or sing a song in a nauseatingly robotic voice, but he talked funny. You could also make Bonzi say whatever you wanted with it’s text-to-speech feature. Anyone who watched a Flash animation in the early aughts knows how much fun you can have with an early speech synthesizer you control.

Beyond the novelty, Bonzi claimed to offer more practical features. You could use the built-in calendar to keep track of your events. You could sync your POP3 email so Bonzi could read off your messages to you. That…was about it. You could open a box to enter a search term or web site address and Bonzi would pass it off to your browser, but that’s even more complicated than just opening your browser directly. Ultimately, BonziBuddy was more useful as a toy than a real productivity program. Bonzi also has had a nasty habit of randomly swinging on a green vine from one side of your computer to another, which got in the way of whatever you were doing. Bonzi was a showman and he would not be upstaged by your spreadsheets.

BonziBuddy would also promote Bonzi Software’s other programs, often using deceptive popups that looked like official Windows alerts. These included Bonzi Software’s original software hit, a voice email app. This app let you record audio and attach a picture to email. No, it wasn’t any more revolutionary in the 90s than it sounds now, but it was mildly successful for the company. They also offered Internet Alert 99, which was a glorified firewall, and Internet Boost, which claimed to increase your internet speed by tweaking “various configuration parameters used by the Microsoft TCP/IP stack.” This claim was dubious at best. It was also the start of BonziBuddy’s descent into earning the malware label it has today.

The People vs. BonziBuddy

Bonzi Software, the company behind your buddy, faced a few separate legal issues in the time from 1999 to 2004, when BonziBuddy was finally discontinued. In 2002, the company was hit with a class action lawsuit over its use of deceptive ads. When they settled in 2003, Bonzi agreed to stop employing fake “X” buttons that didn’t actually close the ad, and was forced to clearly label their popups as ads. They also had to pay over $170,000 in legal fees.

Separately in 2004, Bonzi Software was forced to pay a $75,000 fine to the FTC for violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Whenever BonziBuddy launched, it prompted users to register online (as pretty much every application did in those days). On this registration form, BonziBuddy asked for the name, address, and ages of its users. Since a cartoon ape was appealing to kids, children would sometimes download the app and, not knowing any better, fill out the registration form. This led to Bonzi collecting personal information about children without parental consent.

In retrospect, while BonziBuddy may have been a terrible application, it had its charm. His dumb jokes, his ridiculous voice, and his over the top animations were annoying when you couldn’t get rid of them, but at least they gave him some personality. That’s more than you can say for most things that serve you popup ads or install toolbars on your machine.

If you feel like playing with your old monkey friend again, fans of BonziBuddy have created mirrors of the original Bonzi site, as well as download links to get Bonzi on your computer. Since the servers that ran ads and tracked data have long since been shut off, BonziBuddy shouldn’t be much of a threat anymore. However, we still recommend using a virtual machine to keep him contained if you really think that intentionally downloading animated malware is a good use of your time.

Never forget Bonzai Buddy. ;_;7

Never forget Bonzai Buddy. ;_;7

Yeah– Wait, Bonzi buddy is explicitly a virus?

(removed by moderator)

Ok done. This isn't a virus. When clicked, a cmd window will flash and disappear. What it does is creates a vbs file which runs the batch file hidden with the first parameter set to “1” so that the batch script knows that it is hidden and goes to the label “:label_end” to close the cmd window. If this works, it will create a file called readme.txt with the contents “it works!” and pauses. If you open Task Manager you will notice the script is still running in the background.

EDIT: Please make all your labels start with “label” so the script doesn't try to run the label name as vbscript. I found the script to embed vbscript in batch here

I wanted to make a virus to get even with this person in my class. He hacked my YouTube account. I then thought about making a virus that deletes files, then brings up an error that says “TROGDOR HAS BURNINATED YOUR COMPUTER.” He said that he'd sue me, though, and he doesn't have a computer. (He does have an iPad, though.)

If he sues you then sue him back. :3

And iPads CAN get viruses. It just takes more work. :3

His iPad isn't jailbroken as far as I know, so it can't get viruses.

I didn't even know iPads could get viruses -_-

Once I got the fake FBI scam virus on windows vista.
My parents somehow deleted it by going into Safe Mode.

Then they said "You know what? McAfee is not protecting our computer.
1 hour later,then uninstalled McAfee and replaced it with Norton 360

I wrote this on a Windows Vista that used to have McAfee, but now has Norton Antivirus Online.
Norton cleans out quite a bit of space

i have McAffree on my computer and its kinda not doing its job well.
McAfree should just be free


DOS/Win9x era viruses actually had creative payloads, such as the Girls, CMOS-Dead, etc; then you have insane stuff like CIH, which bricks the BIOS BootROM, resulting in an unbootable computer. Not sure if you could even scrap capacitors/resistors/etc. from stuff like that unless you had Surface Mount Device desoldering knowledge.

Nowadays you have fully undetectable stuff that slows your computer down to a grinding halt. That's the payload. Probably does shady stuff such as cryptocurrency mining too.

Anyone ever seen or heard of those fake adobe flash downloaders?

Yeah, i saw a video about how horrible it used to be.

“You are an idiot, ha x13”
You close a window, you likely to lose.


DOS/Win9x era viruses actually had creative payloads, such as the Girls, CMOS-Dead, etc; then you have insane stuff like CIH, which bricks the BIOS BootROM, resulting in an unbootable computer. Not sure if you could even scrap capacitors/resistors/etc. from stuff like that unless you had Surface Mount Device desoldering knowledge.

Nowadays you have fully undetectable stuff that slows your computer down to a grinding halt. That's the payload. Probably does shady stuff such as cryptocurrency mining too.

Softonic free downloads FTW

Softonic free downloads FTW

I had a friend at camp who downloaded something off it.

He then warned me that when I get FireAlpaca, to never get it off Softonic. Or really anything off Softonic in general.

Never forget Bonzai Buddy. ;_;7

Yeah– Wait, Bonzi buddy is explicitly a virus?

Softonic free downloads FTW

I had a friend at camp who downloaded something off it.

He then warned me that when I get FireAlpaca, to never get it off Softonic. Or really anything off Softonic in general.

(removed by moderator - please make sure your links are appropriate for all Scratchers)

(removed by moderator - please make sure your links are appropriate for all Scratchers)

One time, I was playing on the computer, and then I wanted to download this screensaver. So I did, and the next day later, the computer froze with no way to get it out of this frozen mode. Luckily, we were able to remove the virus and the computer is back to normal. Yay!

(I won't stick another video again, they will just deleted by the mods)

I am bad at computers and I posted in the wrong thread.

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